<divclass="navpath">About Us<span>></span>Mission and Vision</div>
The mission of Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital is to provide the best treatment and care for cancer patients through promoting cancer research, treatment and education and to achieve the goal of decreasing the incidence of cancer
and improving the quality of life of cancer patients in China.
The vision of Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital is to continuously strengthen its status as a major national and international center for cancer research, treatment, prevention and education and to closely collaborate with leading
cancer centers worldwide in the fight against all types of cancer.
To provide patients with uttermost integrityand state-of-the-art medicine
<pstyle="margin-top: 30px">To improve our profession with ingenuity and innovations</p>
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improve our profession with ingenuity and innovations</p>
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<li>West Huan-Hu Rd, Ti Yuan Bei, Hexi District</li>
<h4>Welcome to the Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital</h4>
<p>Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital is the birthplace of oncology in China. The
hospital was originally established in 1861 as The British Army Hospital, and later renamed as the
London Christian Church Hospital and Dr. Machenzie Memorial Hospital. The hospital was subsequently
renamed as "Tianjin Municipal People's Hospital" in 1951. In 1952, the first tumor ward in China was
established in our hospital by pioneering oncologist Prof. Jin Xian-Zhai. In 1977 Tianjin Cancer
Research Institute (TCRI) was founded in TMUCIH. In 1987, the hospital was moved to the present site
and was renamed “The Tianjin Cancer Institute and Hospital". In 1997, the hospital was affiliated to
the Tianjin Medical University and was officially named as The Tianjin Medical University Cancer
Institute and Hospital (TMUCIH).</p>
<p>With one and half centuries of history, TMUCIH has developed into one of the largest specialized
hospitals in China with integrated patient care, education, training, research and preventative
medicine with 2500 beds, 46 clinical and diagnostic departments and 13 basic research departments.
In 2013, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital was designated as National
Clinical Research Center for Cancer by the Ministry of Science and Technology of The People’s
Republic of China. In 2017, Oncology was ranked as the National “World-Class” Academic Development
by The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Development and Reform
<p>The hospital covers area of 63,000 square meters and 175,052square meters of the building area. In
2017, there were 1,150,000 outpatient clinic visits, 86,000 In-patients visits and 30,000
operations. TMUCIH has 3000 full-time staff members; among them are 275 senior professionals
including an academician from The Chinese Academy of Engineering, a Specially Appointed Professor
and two Visiting Professors from the National Yangtze Scholar Plan, 15 experts who enjoy The Special
Allowance from the State Council and 6 experts ranked as Excellent Talents of the New Century by the
Ministry of Education.</p>
<p>The most recognized specialties in the hospital are basic and clinical research on breast cancer,
lung cancer, biotherapy, molecular imaging, radiation oncology, medical oncology, pathology as well
as cancer Epidemiology. Oncology is a National Key subject and a“National 211 Project” Key
Construction Subject. The hospital has a Key Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment Laboratory
authorized by the Ministry of Education and two Ministry of Education Innovation Teams, a National
Experimental Clinical Medicine Institute, and a Ministry of Health National Continuing Medical
Education Base, . Oncology, chest surgery, pathology and nursing are selected national key clinical
construction specialties. The hospital Breast Cancer Center is the largest one in China.</p>
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<h4style="margin-bottom: 40px">
Welcome to the Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital
Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital is the birthplace of oncology in China. The hospital was originally established in 1861 as The British Army Hospital, and later renamed as the London Christian Church Hospital and Dr. Machenzie Memorial
Hospital. The hospital was subsequently renamed as "Tianjin Municipal People's Hospital" in 1951. In 1952, the first tumor ward in China was established in our hospital by pioneering oncologist Prof. Jin Xian-Zhai. In 1977 Tianjin
Cancer Research Institute (TCRI) was founded in TMUCIH. In 1987, the hospital was moved to the present site and was renamed “The Tianjin Cancer Institute and Hospital". In 1997, the hospital was affiliated to the Tianjin Medical
University and was officially named as The Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital (TMUCIH).
With one and half centuries of history, TMUCIH has developed into one of the largest specialized hospitals in China with integrated patient care, education, training, research and preventative medicine with 2500 beds, 46 clinical and diagnostic departments
and 13 basic research departments. In 2013, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital was designated as National Clinical Research Center for Cancer by the Ministry of Science and Technology of The People’s Republic
of China. In 2017, Oncology was ranked as the National “World-Class” Academic Development by The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Development and Reform Commission.
<p>TMUCIH launched “Advanced National Oncologists and pathologists training course” commissioned by the
Ministry of Health. TMUCIH has been offering 51 advanced courses for oncologists and 37 courses for
pathologists nationwide since 1954. There are more than 5,500 doctors who have been trained here.
TMUCIH issued the first cancer journal “Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology (CJCO)”, which is one
of the major state level journals, in 1963. The English edition of CJCO was launched in 2004. China
Anti-Cancer Association (CACA) was also established in TMUCIH in 1984. CACA has now developed 64
professional societies and 31 local anti-cancer associations around China with a total membership
exceeding 200000.</p>
<p>Our hospital strives for excellence, strict management and first class service to fulfill our
hospital motto of “Providing patients with uttermost integrity and state-of-art medicine and
improving our profession with ingenuity and innovation”. The hospital has won special honors, such
as National Civilization Unite; Health Circle National Advanced Unite; and Young Civilized
Institution authorized by Ministry of Health.</p>
The hospital covers area of 63,000 square meters and 175,052square meters of the building area. In 2017, there were 1,150,000 outpatient clinic visits, 86,000 In-patients visits and 30,000 operations. TMUCIH has 3000 full-time staff members; among them
are 275 senior professionals including an academician from The Chinese Academy of Engineering, a Specially Appointed Professor and two Visiting Professors from the National Yangtze Scholar Plan, 15 experts who enjoy The Special
Allowance from the State Council and 6 experts ranked as Excellent Talents of the New Century by the Ministry of Education.
The most recognized specialties in the hospital are basic and clinical research on breast cancer, lung cancer, biotherapy, molecular imaging, radiation oncology, medical oncology, pathology as well as cancer Epidemiology. Oncology is a National Key subject
and a“National 211 Project” Key Construction Subject. The hospital has a Key Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment Laboratory authorized by the Ministry of Education and two Ministry of Education Innovation Teams, a National Experimental
Clinical Medicine Institute, and a Ministry of Health National Continuing Medical Education Base, . Oncology, chest surgery, pathology and nursing are selected national key clinical construction specialties. The hospital Breast
Cancer Center is the largest one in China.
<p>We are confident that we will offer the best treatment and care for cancer patients through
promoting cancer research, treatment, and education.</p>
TMUCIH launched “Advanced National Oncologists and pathologists training course” commissioned by the Ministry of Health. TMUCIH has been offering 51 advanced courses for oncologists and 37 courses for pathologists nationwide since 1954. There are more
than 5,500 doctors who have been trained here. TMUCIH issued the first cancer journal “Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology (CJCO)”, which is one of the major state level journals, in 1963. The English edition of CJCO was launched
in 2004. China Anti-Cancer Association (CACA) was also established in TMUCIH in 1984. CACA has now developed 64 professional societies and 31 local anti-cancer associations around China with a total membership exceeding 200000.
Our hospital strives for excellence, strict management and first class service to fulfill our hospital motto of “Providing patients with uttermost integrity and state-of-art medicine and improving our profession with ingenuity
and innovation”. The hospital has won special honors, such as National Civilization Unite; Health Circle National Advanced Unite; and Young Civilized Institution authorized by Ministry of Health.
Our hospital strives for excellence, strict management and first class service to fulfill our hospital motto of “Providing patients with uttermost integrity and state-of-art medicine and improving our profession with ingenuity and innovation”. The hospital
has won special honors, such as National Civilization Unite; Health Circle National Advanced Unite; and Young Civilized Institution authorized by Ministry of Health.
We are confident that we will offer the best treatment and care for cancer patients through promoting cancer research, treatment, and education."
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President and Professor
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<li>West Huan-Hu Rd, Ti Yuan Bei, Hexi District</li>
<span>></span>Medical Oncology<span>></span>Thoracic Medical Oncology
<h4>Department of Thoracic Medical Oncology</h4>
General Introduction<br/> The Department of Thoracic Medical Oncology is one of the earliest groups specializing multidisciplinary treatment for lung cancer in China. Initially established as 3rd Department of Medical Oncology
in 1998, it was renamed as the Department of Thoracic Medical Oncology in 2006. The department provides individualized and comprehensive treatment for various thoracic tumors,especially chemotherapy,targeted therapy and immunotherapy
of lung cancer<br/> Faculty / Staff<br/> Currently, there are 35 staff, including 15 physicians (8 professors, 6 attendants and 1 resident), 19 nurses and 1 scientific researcher. In 2018, the department invited Dr. Shirley Liu
as guest professor. Dr. Shirley Liu is the world leading computational biologist with expertise in cancer epigenetics. She is now professor at the Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology at the Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute and Harvard School.<br/> Research <br/> As one of the national anti-tumor new drug clinical research bases, the department of Thoracic Medical Oncology has led or participated in dozens of clinical trials. Currently,
a number of international and domestic clinical researches on novel anticancer drugs are being carried out in the department. Thanks to the dynamism of the research teams and the clinicians, the department has made great achievements
in scientific research work. Physician scientists in this department also took part in research programs funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and dozens research projects have been supported by provincial
and municipal science and technology plan. The department undertakes the educational work for the doctorial students and graduate students of Tianjin medical university. Besides, it also brings up many professionals in cancer chemotherapy
and clinical pharmacology for our country each year. <br/>4. Clinical Service
<br/>The Department of Thoracic Oncology is a cooperative team that provides a multidisciplinary care of thoracic carcinoma. Physicians work together to make optimal therapeutic plan for every patient based on the principle of
individualization. Over 5000 patients received treatment in our department each year. For patients with lung cancer, treatment is available through multidisciplinary teams. They work together to make optimal therapeutic plan for
every patient based on the principle of individualization.
The Department of Radiation Oncology at Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital is one of the largest departments of radiation oncology in China It serves as one of the national training bases for radiation oncologist, a training base
for Swedish Elekta Company, and the education and training center for master candidates from Tianjin Medical University. Our department combines clinical expertise, compassionate care, and advanced radiation therapies to deliver
the safest, most effective treatments for cancer and benign tumors. We strive to excite, educate, encourage, train and mentor a diverse team of physicians, physicists, radiation therapists, and dosimetrists to become excellent
caregivers, to develop methods to improve outcomes for their community, and to become future leaders in academic medicine and/or healthcare delivery.
The department have international first-class radiation therapy equipments: 5 medical linear accelerators, 1 full-digital simulator, 1 spiral CT simulator, 19 sets of inverse 3-dimensional planning system, 1 brachytherapy equipment, and 3 microwave machines
for thermal therapy. Our state-of-the-art radiation technologies, found in few other Chinese hospitals, provide precise targeting of tumors while minimizing the potential for injury to surrounding tissue. Each year, we successfully
treat thousands of patients with noninvasive and minimally invasive internal and external radiation therapies, including stereotactic radiosurgery, stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), brachytherapy, intensity-modulated
The department of radiation oncology is the largest department in our hospital, which including four wards, radiation physics and maintenance sub-groups. All the radiation oncologists pay special attention to the improvement of radiation technique and
the multiple modality therapy. The radiation physics and maintenance groups are in charge of the daily quality assurance and quality control. The well cooperation between each groups assure the improvement of clinical treatment
and the development of advanced techniques.
As the largest department of Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital, we have a high level professional team, which consists of 45 radiation oncologists, 8 physicists, 8 dosimetrists, 38 radiation therapists, 5 engineers, and 78 nurses.
At present, there are 182 faculties and staffs in our department. Among them, 8 are professors or chief physicians; 15 are associate chief physicians or associate professors. The academic leader of our department is Dr. Ping
Wang. The director is Dr. Zhiyong Yuan. Vice directors: Dr. Li Zhu, Dr. Lujun Zhao and Dr. Peiguo Wang.
3. Cutting edge Research
In addition to our patient care mission, our physicians, physician-scientists and physicists are among the most active, visionary investigators in developing next-generation radiation therapies. Clinical, translational, and laboratory-based biology researches
are critical components of our department.
Our department leads 11 National Natural Science Foundation, 3 Provincial and ministerial scientific foundation, 4 Tianjin Natural Science Foundation and 2 bureau or university foundation. Besides, we have won many scientific and technological awards,
including 3 national invention awards, 3 national practical new-type patent, 5 municipal awards for scientific and technological progress and 2 university awards. More than hundreds peer-reviewed papers were published worldwide.
Within the past 5 years, there’re 70 papers were accepted in SCI journals. The total influence factors were more than 300, and the most high IF for a single paper was12.253.
4. Clinical Service
Our department possesses the international standard radiotherapy equipments. In clinical practice, we divide into three treatment groups: head and neck (including lymphoma), thoracic, and abdominal and pelvic (including breast) groups. We can perform
various kinds of modern radiotherapy techniques, including IGRT, IMRT, CRT, brachytherapy, thermal therapy, and the most advanced Cyberknife radiosurgery.
Recently, our department further standardized the treatment modality in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lung cancer, esophageal carcinoma, rectal carcinoma, malignant lymphoma, breast conservative surgery followed by radiotherapy, and achieved outstanding treatment
outcomes. These clinical practices indicate that the radiotherapy technique in our department reaches the top-rank in our country.
The mission of Department of Radiation Oncology at Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital is to provide excellence in patient care by administering the highest level of quality in a safe and compassionate environment.
The Department of Clinical Laboratory provides 24-hour service for tests and analysis on patients’ blood as well as body fluid specimens in our hospital. We are committed to excellence of service in patient care, education, and clinical research. We test
the specimens from all the patients of our hospital and sign out the reports which will help doctors’ diagnosis and monitoring the patients’ disease, and help patients know their condition better. Our focus is all patient services
and clinical needs.
<br/>To provide comprehensive clinical service and cancer patient care, our department has 7 different functional groups with different responsibilities. We have Specimen Processing center, Hematology Lab, Microbiology Lab,
Blood Bank, Immunology Lab, Biochemistry Lab, and Tumor Marker Lab.<br/>International Standard ISO 15189 is one of the most recognized international quality standards in the world. It provides an effective quality control
and technical competence assessment system. After 3 years of hard work, our department was accredited to ISO 15189 in 2013 and become the first ISO credited lab among the five affiliated hospitals of Tianjin Medical University.
Working with accreditation of ISO15189 will enable us to meet international standards for patient care and laboratory management. The testing reports issued by our department are accepted by more than 50 countries and regions
all around the world. Our goal is to be persist in pursuing high quality lab test results.
Faculty / Staff
The Department of Clinical Laboratory have a working team consisting of 68 staff members. 12 of them have doctor’s degrees and 21 of them have master’s degrees.<br/>Our department was also designated as the center for Resident
Standard Training and the Clinical Laboratory internship by Tianjin Medical University. We are teaching the interns from 5 medical universities, and for scholarship visitors from all over the country. So far, more than 200
interns and technicians have been trained in our department.<br/>Our department also emphasize on mutual collaboration with advanced cancer centers and laboratories in the world. Up to now, we have established exchange programs
and good relationships with several hospitals and laboratories from United States and from Japan. We have also invited three professors from United States to visit and teach in our department. Dr. Lynn Moscinski from Moffitt
cancer center, Dr Tony Hu from Arizona State University, and Dr Xiaoping Sun from M.D. Anderson. Their visit and the collaboration with worldly renown cancer center will great contribute to our advancement in education and
in research. We have established visiting scholar exchange programs with the clinical lab medicine of M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and Moffitt Cancer Center, and the biology center of Connell University. So far, more than 20
of our colleagues have been sent to study abroad.
Since our hospital is an affiliated hospital of Tianjin Medical University, our department put great importance to research and education. We are the assigned research and teaching demonstration center for Beckman, the clinical research laboratory of
“863”program, and the key lab of Tianjin Medical University. Our colleagues have presented high quality research and studies and have received a variety of awards at the conferences of clinical laboratory medicine organized
by Chinese Medical Association.<br/>So far, we have led the project for two National High Technology Research and Development Programs of China (863 Program) and 10 National Natural Science Foundations.
We have also won several Science and Technology Progress and Achievement awards of the Tianjin City. More than 40 of our publications have been cited by SCI in recent 3 years, and one of them had an impact factor of higher
than 10. We also have more than 60 articles published in Major Chinese journals.
Clinical Service
To meet the needs of patients in our hospital, the laboratory makes a commitment that we carry out all-year-round work without holidays. Inpatient testing reports can be immediately seen in the local area network, and the outpatient hematological routine
repots will be signed out within 30 minutes. And you will get the rest testing reports less than 3 hours in outpatient. We also have the official website and intelligent system to facilitate the patients to quickly get the
results at home. Our Department quality requirements: Quality is the life of test. Check disease patients, check our own level.<br/>Our service calls are: 022-23340123 to 5201 (Tumor marker lab);
5202 (Immunology lab); 5203 (Biochemical lab); 5204 (Specimen Processing center); 5205 (Outpatient room); 5206 (Hematology Lab); 5207 (Blood Bank); 5209 ( Microbiology lab). Welcome to visit our website and we are looking forward
Biotherapy Department mainly carry out the comprehensive<br>
treatment of medical oncology<br>
Adoptive immunotherapy<br>
cancer vaccine
<p style="font-size: 18px">
clinical therapy translational research <br /> Biotherapy Department mainly carry out the comprehensive<br /> treatment of medical oncology<br /> Adoptive immunotherapy<br /> cancer vaccine
<span>></span>Surgical Oncology<span>></span>Intensive Care Unit
Department of Intensive Care Unit
Intensive Care Unit (Resuscitation Room formerly) of Tianjin Medical University CancerInstitute and Hospital was established on April 2, 2007. There are 11 medical staff: 1 chief physician, 2 deputy chief physician, 2 for doctor degree and 7 for master
degree. With the development and progress of medicine, cancer is no longer an incurable disease. The methods of diagnosis and treatment of cancer are changing everyday. Oncology and Intensive Care Medicine should also keep pace
with the period, escorting clinical oncology, reducing non-cancer mortality, improving the quality of medical care and patients’ quality of life. In the past ten years, the Intensive Care Unit has gradually built into an excellent
medical and medical care team with reasonable medical echelon, outstanding skills and rescue capabilities, and gradually developed a set of clinical treatment and nursing management standards for patients with severe cancer. The
technical ability of intensive medicine is not inferior to the third-grade class-A hospital domestically, and it also has distinctive characteristics of oncology and intensive care medicine. Intensive care unit carries routine
intensive care and organ support technology, combined with the characteristics of cancer patients to carry out non-invasive, minimally invasive hemodynamic monitoring and treatment, clustering strategy to prevent and control the
hospital acquired infection, titration sedation therapy based on analgesia, and critical nutrition therapy for cancer. We have actively participated in the diagnosis and treatment of MDT in various clinical oncology disciplines,
escorted the patients with severe cancer, passed the peri-cancer treatment period safely, improved medical quality and ensured medical safety. At the same time, as the intensive care unit of the oncology hospital, it also undertakes
the work of prevention and control of nosocomial infection, rational application of antibiotics, and emergency support for public health emergencies. At the same time, the ICU ward is constructed in accordance with relevant national
standards. Each bed unit is equipped with monitoring instruments and equipment, and the ward is regionalized. There are severe rescue units, intensive care units, negative pressure isolation units, VIP units, etc. to meet the needs
of different patients.<br/>The key physicians at all levels of the departments are responsible for completing bureau-level, school-level and hospital-level subjects, leading two clinical trials and publishing
dozens of articles in SCI, Chinese and core journals. Participated in two books compilation. In the past three years, our department has hosted the Academic Conference for National Oncology and Intensive Care Medicine for 3 times,
and all of them have been well received by experts and participants. Wang Donghao, the leader of the department, served as Chairman-designate of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association for Oncology and Intensive Care Medicine. At the
same time, the backbone of the department has served in the Chinese Medical Association for Critical Care Medicine, the Enteral Parenteral Nutrition Association, the Tianjin Medical Association, the Physician Society, and the Anti-Cancer
<br/>The department constantly consolidates the professional foundation, promotes the spirit of craftsmen, and builds a professional team that can be able to take responsibility. Under the leadership of Director Wang Donghao,
ICU practices “Studies on the Theoretical and Practical Issues of Party Building”, constantly strengthens the construction of the style of work, thoroughly implements the spirit of The 19th session of National Congress of the Communist
Party of China, and takes the protection of people's health as the goal of professional development. Three doctors and nurses in the Department were awarded “The Tianjin May 1 Labour Medal”. Two members were awarded the title of
“Hao Yi Sheng” and "Hao Hu Shi" to the satisfaction of the people of Tianjin. Many nurses have achieved excellent results in Tianjin Nursing Skills Competition. The department has successively won the title of advanced grass-roots
Party organizations of Tianjin Medical University, Youth Civilization, Pioneer of Teaching and Workers, Party member pioneer, Advanced Party Organization, Advanced collective with noble medical ethics, which has been awarded the
title of five-star department for many years, and has won high praise and trust from hospitals, society and the people.