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                Research & Education<span>></span>National Cancer Clinical Research Center
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                    National Clinical Research Center for Cancer (China • Tianjin)
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                        In 2012, the Ministry of Science and Technology, together with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of General Health started up the construction of National Clinical Research Center, which was divided into three batches to build total of 32 centers.
                        In June 2013, our center was established at the first batch, while was one of the two National Clinical Research Centers in the field of cancer.
                        Since the Center’s inception, we see the center as the guide and the collaborative network as the support. We aim to make the establishment of a high-level research platform for the oncology-transforming medicine.
                        In additions, we work on launching the clinical and translational studies, exploring the new model and new technology of the cancer prevention & treatment, and popularizing the diagnostic and therapeutic criteria for the common malignant tumors. By facing
                        the needs of the cancer prevention & treatment, the Center has cultivated the multidisciplinary research teams, and strengthened the technological promotion and popularization.
                        Academician Xishan Hao is the director of the Center,who established the organizational and management structure of the Center. The Center has been formed collaborative research network within two sub-centers, 20 regional centers and several grass-roots
                        Research Platform Construction: the Center established the specifications for the construction and management of biological samples in accordance with international standards and formed the internationalized Steering Committee. There are more than 55,000
                        tissue specimens have been accumulated, more than 75,000 bloods and body fluid specimens have been collected. In September 2016, we were authorized by the Human Genetic Resources Management Office of the Ministry of Science and
                        Technology for approval of human genetic collection, trading, export and exit examination and approval. We also established the cancer molecular diagnostics including the biochips and the next-generation sequencing, and the corresponding
                        bioinformatics technology platforms. The platform acquired the pilot unit of the clinical application of high-throughput sequencing technology of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, while carried out predictions
                        of solid tumor-targeted drug susceptibility, and the risk prediction of inherited tumors such as breast cancer and thyroid cancer. The Center published a core journal, “Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology”, selected as one of
                        TOP 50 projects of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology Quality Periodicals. It was also awarded the "Fourth Chinese Excellent Journal of Science and Technology" by the Ministry of Science and Technology. In 2018,
                        our English journal “Cancer Biology & Medicine’s impact factor was 4.607. It globally ranks 55th in 222 journals of oncology and 1st in 5 SCI journals of oncology in China.
                        High-Level Talent Team Construction : the Center has fostering and importing 2 outstanding young talents of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 4 Changjiang Scholars and Professors of the Ministry of Education, 2 talents of National Thousand
                        Talents program, 1 leading talent of National Million Plan. In additions, the expert recommended by the Center won the 2016 Chinese Government Friendship Award and were successfully elected as a foreign academician of the Chinese
                        Academy of Engineering in 2017.
                        Scientific Research Construction: since the establishment of the center, there have been 285 scientific research projects at provincial and ministerial level, and the scientific research funding has reached 159.333 million yuan, including 4 National Key
                        R&D (Research and Development) Plans, 3 National Science and Technology Support Plans, 2 Major International Cooperation Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, 1 Outstanding Youth Project, 1 Outstanding Youth Project,
                        and 1 Sino-Canadian Cooperation Project. There are more than 1,000 papers have been published in SCI journals, 28 papers in IF≥10 papers, and 25 technology awards provincial and ministerial level. We have lead/participated 73 multi-center
                        clinical studies and more than 70 projects in the formation of related guidelines.
                        The Center will further implement the national innovation-driven development strategy, the “13th Five-year Plan on Technology and Innovation”, the “Plan of Health China 2030”, and the “13th Five-Year Plan for Health and Science & Technology Innovation”.
                        In accordance with the requirements of the “Five-Year Development Plan of the National Center for Clinical Research (2017-2021)”, which was jointly formulated by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Health and Family
                        Planning Commission, the Military Commission's Logistics Support Department and the General Administration of Food and Drug Administration, the Center would actively promote the center construction, improve the organizational structure
                        and network structure, optimize the allocation of resources, and improve the operational management system. Moreover, we will make the establishment of a high-level research platform for the oncology-transforming medicine, and
                        explore on the new modes and strategies for the tumor prevention. The diagnosis and treatment norms in the field of the common cancer could be improved and promoted, with rapidly advancing the innovative and popularization in the
                        field of cancer, to drive the overall level of the cancer prevention and treatment in China
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