作者 anyv
1 个管道 的构建 通过 耗费 0 秒


... ... @@ -560,10 +560,11 @@ class PersonalcenterController extends WeChatBaseController{
$where['a.pay_time'] = [['>=',$start_time],['<=',$end_time]];
$indent_goods = Db::name('indent') -> alias('a') -> field("a.*,b.indent_id,b.book_name,b.pricing,b.price,b.number,b.thumbnail") -> join('indent_goods b','a.id=b.indent_id','LEFT') -> where($where) -> where("a.state =2 or a.state=3 or a.state=5") -> select();
$indent_money = Db::name('indent') -> alias('a') -> field("a.id,b.*") -> join('money_income b','a.id=b.indent_id','LEFT') -> where($where) -> where("a.state =2 or a.state=3 or a.state=5") -> select();
$indent_money = Db::name('indent') -> alias('a') -> field("a.id,b.*") -> join('money_income b','a.id=b.indent_id','LEFT') -> where($where) -> where("a.state =2 or a.state=3 or a.state=5") -> where("b.uid =".$uid) -> select();
$indent_goods = Db::name('indent') -> alias('a') -> field("a.*,b.indent_id,b.book_name,b.pricing,b.price,b.number,b.thumbnail") -> join('indent_goods b','a.id=b.indent_id','LEFT') -> where('a.indent_type=2 and a.salesman_uid='.$uid) -> where("a.state =2 or a.state=3 or a.state=5") -> select();
$indent_money = Db::name('indent') -> alias('a') -> field("a.id,b.*") -> join('money_income b','a.id=b.indent_id','LEFT') -> where('a.indent_type=2 and a.salesman_uid='.$uid) -> where("a.state =2 or a.state=3 or a.state=5") -> select();
/*$indent_money = Db::name('indent') -> alias('a') -> field("a.id,b.*") -> join('money_income b','a.id=b.indent_id','LEFT') -> where('a.indent_type=2 and a.salesman_uid='.$uid) -> where("a.state =2 or a.state=3 or a.state=5") -> select();*/
$indent_money = Db::name('money_income') -> where("uid =".$uid) -> select();
$total_money = 0;
... ...
... ... @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
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<div class="log_nine_list_one_left_title">
<div class="log_nine_list_one_left_title_add">
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