
namespace app\admin\command\Api\library;

 * Class imported from https://github.com/eriknyk/Annotations
 * @author  Erik Amaru Ortiz https://github.com/eriknyk‎
 * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php The BSD License
 * @author  Calin Rada <rada.calin@gmail.com>
class Extractor

     * Static array to store already parsed annotations
     * @var array
    private static $annotationCache;

     * Indicates that annotations should has strict behavior, 'false' by default
     * @var boolean
    private $strict = false;

     * Stores the default namespace for Objects instance, usually used on methods like getMethodAnnotationsObjects()
     * @var string
    public $defaultNamespace = '';

     * Sets strict variable to true/false
     * @param bool $value boolean value to indicate that annotations to has strict behavior
    public function setStrict($value)
        $this->strict = (bool) $value;

     * Sets default namespace to use in object instantiation
     * @param string $namespace default namespace
    public function setDefaultNamespace($namespace)
        $this->defaultNamespace = $namespace;

     * Gets default namespace used in object instantiation
     * @return string $namespace default namespace
    public function getDefaultAnnotationNamespace()
        return $this->defaultNamespace;

     * Gets all anotations with pattern @SomeAnnotation() from a given class
     * @param  string $className class name to get annotations
     * @return array  self::$annotationCache all annotated elements
    public static function getClassAnnotations($className)
        if (!isset(self::$annotationCache[$className]))
            $class = new \ReflectionClass($className);
            self::$annotationCache[$className] = self::parseAnnotations($class->getDocComment());

        return self::$annotationCache[$className];

    public static function getAllClassAnnotations($className)
        $class = new \ReflectionClass($className);

        foreach ($class->getMethods() as $object)
            self::$annotationCache['annotations'][$className][$object->name] = self::getMethodAnnotations($className, $object->name);

        return self::$annotationCache['annotations'];

     * Gets all anotations with pattern @SomeAnnotation() from a determinated method of a given class
     * @param  string $className  class name
     * @param  string $methodName method name to get annotations
     * @return array  self::$annotationCache all annotated elements of a method given
    public static function getMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName)
        if (!isset(self::$annotationCache[$className . '::' . $methodName]))
                $method = new \ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
                $class = new \ReflectionClass($className);
                if (!$method->isPublic() || $method->isConstructor())
                    $annotations = array();
                    $annotations = self::consolidateAnnotations($method, $class);
            catch (\ReflectionException $e)
                $annotations = array();

            self::$annotationCache[$className . '::' . $methodName] = $annotations;

        return self::$annotationCache[$className . '::' . $methodName];

     * Gets all anotations with pattern @SomeAnnotation() from a determinated method of a given class
     * and instance its abcAnnotation class
     * @param  string $className  class name
     * @param  string $methodName method name to get annotations
     * @return array  self::$annotationCache all annotated objects of a method given
    public function getMethodAnnotationsObjects($className, $methodName)
        $annotations = $this->getMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName);
        $objects = array();

        $i = 0;

        foreach ($annotations as $annotationClass => $listParams)
            $annotationClass = ucfirst($annotationClass);
            $class = $this->defaultNamespace . $annotationClass . 'Annotation';

            // verify is the annotation class exists, depending if Annotations::strict is true
            // if not, just skip the annotation instance creation.
            if (!class_exists($class))
                if ($this->strict)
                    throw new Exception(sprintf('Runtime Error: Annotation Class Not Found: %s', $class));
                    // silent skip & continue

            if (empty($objects[$annotationClass]))
                $objects[$annotationClass] = new $class();

            foreach ($listParams as $params)
                if (is_array($params))
                    foreach ($params as $key => $value)
                        $objects[$annotationClass]->set($key, $value);
                    $objects[$annotationClass]->set($i++, $params);

        return $objects;

    private static function consolidateAnnotations($method, $class)
        $dockblockClass = $class->getDocComment();
        $docblockMethod = $method->getDocComment();
        $methodName = $method->getName();

        $methodAnnotations = self::parseAnnotations($docblockMethod);
        $classAnnotations = self::parseAnnotations($dockblockClass);
        if (isset($methodAnnotations['ApiInternal']) || $methodName == '_initialize' || $methodName == '_empty')
            return [];

        $properties = $class->getDefaultProperties();
        $noNeedLogin = isset($properties['noNeedLogin']) ? is_array($properties['noNeedLogin']) ? $properties['noNeedLogin'] : [$properties['noNeedLogin']] : [];
        $noNeedRight = isset($properties['noNeedRight']) ? is_array($properties['noNeedRight']) ? $properties['noNeedRight'] : [$properties['noNeedRight']] : [];

        preg_match_all("/\*[\s]+(.*)(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/U", str_replace('/**', '', $docblockMethod), $methodArr);
        preg_match_all("/\*[\s]+(.*)(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)/U", str_replace('/**', '', $dockblockClass), $classArr);

        $methodTitle = isset($methodArr[1]) && isset($methodArr[1][0]) ? $methodArr[1][0] : '';
        $classTitle = isset($classArr[1]) && isset($classArr[1][0]) ? $classArr[1][0] : '';

        if (!isset($methodAnnotations['ApiMethod']))
            $methodAnnotations['ApiMethod'] = ['get'];
        if (!isset($methodAnnotations['ApiSummary']))
            $methodAnnotations['ApiSummary'] = [$methodTitle];

        if ($methodAnnotations)
            foreach ($classAnnotations as $name => $valueClass)
                if (count($valueClass) !== 1)

                if ($name === 'ApiRoute')
                    if (isset($methodAnnotations[$name]))
                        $methodAnnotations[$name] = [rtrim($valueClass[0], '/') . $methodAnnotations[$name][0]];
                        $methodAnnotations[$name] = [rtrim($valueClass[0], '/') . '/' . $method->getName()];

                if ($name === 'ApiSector')
                    $methodAnnotations[$name] = $valueClass;
        if (!isset($methodAnnotations['ApiTitle']))
            $methodAnnotations['ApiTitle'] = [$methodTitle];
        if (!isset($methodAnnotations['ApiRoute']))
            $urlArr = [];
            $className = $class->getName();

            list($prefix, $suffix) = explode('\\' . \think\Config::get('url_controller_layer') . '\\', $className);
            $prefixArr = explode('\\', $prefix);
            $suffixArr = explode('\\', $suffix);
            if ($prefixArr[0] == \think\Config::get('app_namespace'))
                $prefixArr[0] = '';
            $urlArr = array_merge($urlArr, $prefixArr);
            $urlArr[] = implode('.', array_map(function($item) {
                        return \think\Loader::parseName($item);
                    }, $suffixArr));
            $urlArr[] = $method->getName();
            $methodAnnotations['ApiRoute'] = [implode('/', $urlArr)];
        if (!isset($methodAnnotations['ApiSector']))
            $methodAnnotations['ApiSector'] = isset($classAnnotations['ApiSector']) ? $classAnnotations['ApiSector'] : [$classTitle];
        if (!isset($methodAnnotations['ApiParams']))
            $params = self::parseCustomAnnotations($docblockMethod, 'param');
            foreach ($params as $k => $v)
                $arr = explode(' ', preg_replace("/[\s]+/", " ", $v));
                $methodAnnotations['ApiParams'][] = [
                    'name'        => isset($arr[1]) ? str_replace('$', '', $arr[1]) : '',
                    'nullable'    => false,
                    'type'        => isset($arr[0]) ? $arr[0] : 'string',
                    'description' => isset($arr[2]) ? $arr[2] : ''
        $methodAnnotations['ApiPermissionLogin'] = [!in_array('*', $noNeedLogin) && !in_array($methodName, $noNeedLogin)];
        $methodAnnotations['ApiPermissionRight'] = [!in_array('*', $noNeedRight) && !in_array($methodName, $noNeedRight)];
        return $methodAnnotations;

     * Parse annotations
     * @param  string $docblock
     * @param  string $name
     * @return array  parsed annotations params
    private static function parseCustomAnnotations($docblock, $name = 'param')
        $annotations = array();

        $docblock = substr($docblock, 3, -2);
        if (preg_match_all('/@' . $name . '(?:\s*(?:\(\s*)?(.*?)(?:\s*\))?)??\s*(?:\n|\*\/)/', $docblock, $matches))
            foreach ($matches[1] as $k => $v)
                $annotations[] = $v;
        return $annotations;

     * Parse annotations
     * @param  string $docblock
     * @return array  parsed annotations params
    private static function parseAnnotations($docblock)
        $annotations = array();

        // Strip away the docblock header and footer to ease parsing of one line annotations
        $docblock = substr($docblock, 3, -2);
        if (preg_match_all('/@(?<name>[A-Za-z_-]+)[\s\t]*\((?<args>(?:(?!\)).)*)\)\r?/s', $docblock, $matches))
            $numMatches = count($matches[0]);

            for ($i = 0; $i < $numMatches; ++$i)
                // annotations has arguments
                if (isset($matches['args'][$i]))
                    $argsParts = trim($matches['args'][$i]);
                    $name = $matches['name'][$i];
                    $value = self::parseArgs($argsParts);
                    $value = array();

                $annotations[$name][] = $value;

        return $annotations;

     * Parse individual annotation arguments
     * @param  string $content arguments string
     * @return array  annotated arguments
    private static function parseArgs($content)
        // Replace initial stars
        $content = preg_replace('/^\s*\*/m', '', $content);

        $data = array();
        $len = strlen($content);
        $i = 0;
        $var = '';
        $val = '';
        $level = 1;

        $prevDelimiter = '';
        $nextDelimiter = '';
        $nextToken = '';
        $composing = false;
        $type = 'plain';
        $delimiter = null;
        $quoted = false;
        $tokens = array('"', '"', '{', '}', ',', '=');

        while ($i <= $len)
            $prev_c = substr($content, $i - 1, 1);
            $c = substr($content, $i++, 1);

            if ($c === '"' && $prev_c !== "\\")
                $delimiter = $c;
                //open delimiter
                if (!$composing && empty($prevDelimiter) && empty($nextDelimiter))
                    $prevDelimiter = $nextDelimiter = $delimiter;
                    $val = '';
                    $composing = true;
                    $quoted = true;
                    // close delimiter
                    if ($c !== $nextDelimiter)
                        throw new Exception(sprintf(
                                "Parse Error: enclosing error -> expected: [%s], given: [%s]", $nextDelimiter, $c

                    // validating syntax
                    if ($i < $len)
                        if (',' !== substr($content, $i, 1) && '\\' !== $prev_c)
                            throw new Exception(sprintf(
                                    "Parse Error: missing comma separator near: ...%s<--", substr($content, ($i - 10), $i)

                    $prevDelimiter = $nextDelimiter = '';
                    $composing = false;
                    $delimiter = null;
            elseif (!$composing && in_array($c, $tokens))
                switch ($c)
                    case '=':
                        $prevDelimiter = $nextDelimiter = '';
                        $level = 2;
                        $composing = false;
                        $type = 'assoc';
                        $quoted = false;
                    case ',':
                        $level = 3;

                        // If composing flag is true yet,
                        // it means that the string was not enclosed, so it is parsing error.
                        if ($composing === true && !empty($prevDelimiter) && !empty($nextDelimiter))
                            throw new Exception(sprintf(
                                    "Parse Error: enclosing error -> expected: [%s], given: [%s]", $nextDelimiter, $c

                        $prevDelimiter = $nextDelimiter = '';
                    case '{':
                        $subc = '';
                        $subComposing = true;

                        while ($i <= $len)
                            $c = substr($content, $i++, 1);

                            if (isset($delimiter) && $c === $delimiter)
                                throw new Exception(sprintf(
                                        "Parse Error: Composite variable is not enclosed correctly."

                            if ($c === '}')
                                $subComposing = false;
                            $subc .= $c;

                        // if the string is composing yet means that the structure of var. never was enclosed with '}'
                        if ($subComposing)
                            throw new Exception(sprintf(
                                    "Parse Error: Composite variable is not enclosed correctly. near: ...%s'", $subc

                        $val = self::parseArgs($subc);
                if ($level == 1)
                    $var .= $c;
                elseif ($level == 2)
                    $val .= $c;

            if ($level === 3 || $i === $len)
                if ($type == 'plain' && $i === $len)
                    $data = self::castValue($var);
                    $data[trim($var)] = self::castValue($val, !$quoted);

                $level = 1;
                $var = $val = '';
                $composing = false;
                $quoted = false;

        return $data;

     * Try determinate the original type variable of a string
     * @param  string  $val  string containing possibles variables that can be cast to bool or int
     * @param  boolean $trim indicate if the value passed should be trimmed after to try cast
     * @return mixed   returns the value converted to original type if was possible
    private static function castValue($val, $trim = false)
        if (is_array($val))
            foreach ($val as $key => $value)
                $val[$key] = self::castValue($value);
        elseif (is_string($val))
            if ($trim)
                $val = trim($val);
            $val = stripslashes($val);
            $tmp = strtolower($val);

            if ($tmp === 'false' || $tmp === 'true')
                $val = $tmp === 'true';
            elseif (is_numeric($val))
                return $val + 0;


        return $val;
