作者 Karson


@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `fa_auth_rule` ( @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `fa_auth_rule` (
170 -- Records of `fa_auth_rule` 170 -- Records of `fa_auth_rule`
171 -- ---------------------------- 171 -- ----------------------------
172 BEGIN; 172 BEGIN;
173 -INSERT INTO `fa_auth_rule` VALUES ('11174', 'file', '0', '/admin/category', '分类管理', 'fa fa-list\r', '', '用于统一管理网站的所有分类,分类可进行无限级分类\r', '1', '1497429920', '1497429920', '119', 'normal'), ('11175', 'file', '11174', '/admin/category/index', '查看', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '142', 'normal'), ('11176', 'file', '11174', '/admin/category/add', '添加', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '141', 'normal'), ('11177', 'file', '11174', '/admin/category/edit', '编辑', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '140', 'normal'), ('11178', 'file', '11174', '/admin/category/del', '删除', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '139', 'normal'), ('11179', 'file', '11174', '/admin/category/multi', '批量更新', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '138', 'normal'), ('11180', 'file', '0', '/admin/dashboard', '控制台', 'fa fa-dashboard\r', '', '用于展示当前系统中的统计数据、统计报表及重要实时数据\r', '1', '1497429920', 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'/admin/general/crontab/add', '添加', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '45', 'normal'), ('11273', 'file', '11270', '/admin/general/crontab/edit', '编辑', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '44', 'normal'), ('11274', 'file', '11270', '/admin/general/crontab/del', '删除', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '43', 'normal'), ('11275', 'file', '11270', '/admin/general/crontab/multi', '批量更新', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '42', 'normal'), ('11276', 'file', '11256', '/admin/general/database', '数据库管理', 'fa fa-database', '', '可在线进行一些简单的数据库表优化或修复,查看表结构和数据。也可以进行SQL语句的操作', '1', '1497429920', '1497429920', '41', 'normal'), ('11277', 'file', '11276', '/admin/general/database/index', '查看', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '40', 'normal'), ('11278', 'file', '11276', '/admin/general/database/query', 'SQL查询', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '39', 'normal'), ('11279', 'file', '11276', '/admin/general/database/add', '添加', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '38', 'normal'), ('11280', 'file', '11276', '/admin/general/database/edit', '编辑', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '37', 'normal'), ('11281', 'file', '11276', '/admin/general/database/del', '删除', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '36', 'normal'), ('11282', 'file', '11276', '/admin/general/database/multi', '批量更新', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '35', 'normal'), ('11283', 'file', '11256', '/admin/general/profile', '个人配置', 'fa fa-user\r', '', '', '1', '1497429920', '1497429920', '34', 'normal'), ('11284', 'file', '11283', '/admin/general/profile/index', '查看', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '33', 'normal'), ('11285', 'file', '11283', '/admin/general/profile/update', '更新个人信息', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '32', 'normal'), 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'/admin/wechat/autoreply/index', '查看', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '24', 'normal'), ('11294', 'file', '11291', '/admin/wechat/autoreply/add', '添加', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '23', 'normal'), ('11295', 'file', '11291', '/admin/wechat/autoreply/del', '删除', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '22', 'normal'), ('11296', 'file', '11291', '/admin/wechat/autoreply/multi', '批量更新', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '21', 'normal'), ('11297', 'file', '11290', '/admin/wechat/config', '微信配置管理', 'fa fa-cog', '', '', '1', '1497429920', '1497430632', '20', 'normal'), ('11298', 'file', '11297', '/admin/wechat/config/add', '添加', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '19', 'normal'), ('11299', 'file', '11297', '/admin/wechat/config/edit', '编辑', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '18', 'normal'), ('11300', 'file', '11297', '/admin/wechat/config/index', '查看', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '17', 'normal'), ('11301', 'file', '11297', '/admin/wechat/config/del', '删除', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '16', 'normal'), ('11302', 'file', '11297', '/admin/wechat/config/multi', '批量更新', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '15', 'normal'), ('11303', 'file', '11290', '/admin/wechat/menu', '菜单管理', 'fa fa-bars', '', '', '1', '1497429920', '1497430652', '14', 'normal'), ('11304', 'file', '11303', '/admin/wechat/menu/index', '查看', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '13', 'normal'), ('11305', 'file', '11303', '/admin/wechat/menu/edit', '修改', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '12', 'normal'), ('11306', 'file', '11303', '/admin/wechat/menu/sync', '同步', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '11', 'normal'), ('11307', 'file', '11303', '/admin/wechat/menu/add', '添加', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '10', 'normal'), ('11308', 'file', '11303', '/admin/wechat/menu/del', '删除', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '9', 'normal'), ('11309', 'file', '11303', '/admin/wechat/menu/multi', '批量更新', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '8', 'normal'), ('11310', 'file', '11290', '/admin/wechat/response', '资源管理', 'fa fa-list-alt', '', '', '1', '1497429920', '1497429920', '7', 'normal'), ('11311', 'file', '11310', '/admin/wechat/response/select', '选择素材', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '6', 'normal'), ('11312', 'file', '11310', '/admin/wechat/response/add', '添加', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '5', 'normal'), ('11313', 'file', '11310', '/admin/wechat/response/edit', '编辑', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '4', 'normal'), ('11314', 'file', '11310', '/admin/wechat/response/index', '查看', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '3', 'normal'), ('11315', 'file', '11310', '/admin/wechat/response/del', '删除', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '2', 'normal'), ('11316', 'file', '11310', '/admin/wechat/response/multi', '批量更新', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497429920', '1497429920', '1', 'normal'),('11317', 'file', '11218', '/admin/example/tabletemplate', '表格模板示例', 'fa fa-table', '', '可以通过使用表格模板将表格中的行渲染成一样的展现方式,基于此功能可以任意定制自己想要的展示列表', '1', '1497968508', '1497968508', '0', 'normal'), ('11318', 'file', '11317', '/admin/example/tabletemplate/index', '查看', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497968508', '1497968508', '0', 'normal'), ('11319', 'file', '11317', '/admin/example/tabletemplate/detail', '详情', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497968508', '1497968508', '0', 'normal'), ('11320', 'file', '11317', '/admin/example/tabletemplate/add', '添加', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497968508', '1497968508', '0', 'normal'), ('11321', 'file', '11317', '/admin/example/tabletemplate/edit', '编辑', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497968508', '1497968508', '0', 'normal'), ('11322', 'file', '11317', '/admin/example/tabletemplate/del', '删除', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497968508', '1497968508', '0', 'normal'), ('11323', 'file', '11317', '/admin/example/tabletemplate/multi', '批量更新', 'fa fa-circle-o', '', '', '0', '1497968508', '1497968508', '0', 'normal');
175 175
176 -- ---------------------------- 176 -- ----------------------------
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `fa_crontab` ( @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ CREATE TABLE `fa_crontab` (
279 -- Records of `fa_crontab` 279 -- Records of `fa_crontab`
280 -- ---------------------------- 280 -- ----------------------------
281 BEGIN; 281 BEGIN;
282 -INSERT INTO `fa_crontab` VALUES ('1', 'url', '', '', '* * * * 0-2', '0', '0', '0', '1497070825', '1497070825', '2017', '2017', '0', '0', 'normal'), ('2', 'url', 'fsfsfds', 'fsdfdsfsdf', '* * * * 0-2', '0', '0', '0', '1497071095', '1497071095', '2017', '2017', '0', '0', 'normal'); 282 +INSERT INTO `fa_crontab` VALUES ('1', 'url', '请求URL', 'http://www.fastadmin.net', '* * * * 0-2', '0', '0', '0', '1497070825', '1497070825', '1483200000', '1546272000', '0', '0', 'normal'), ('2', 'url', '执行SQL', 'SELECT 1;', '* * * * 0-2', '0', '0', '0', '1497071095', '1497071095', '1483200000', '1546272000', '0', '0', 'normal');
284 284
285 -- ---------------------------- 285 -- ----------------------------
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class Menu extends Command @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class Menu extends Command
262 continue; 262 continue;
263 } 263 }
264 //过滤掉其它字符 264 //过滤掉其它字符
265 - $comment = preg_replace(array('/^\/\*\*(.*)[\n\r\t]/', '/[\s]+\*\//', '/\*\s@(.*)/', '/[\s|\*]+/'), '', $comment); 265 + $comment = preg_replace(array('/^\/\*\*(.*)[\n\r\t]/u', '/[\s]+\*\//u', '/\*\s@(.*)/u', '/[\s|\*]+/u'), '', $comment);
266 266
267 $ruleArr[] = array('pid' => $pid, 'name' => $name . "/" . strtolower($n->name), 'icon' => 'fa fa-circle-o', 'title' => $comment ? $comment : $n->name, 'ismenu' => 0, 'status' => 'normal'); 267 $ruleArr[] = array('pid' => $pid, 'name' => $name . "/" . strtolower($n->name), 'icon' => 'fa fa-circle-o', 'title' => $comment ? $comment : $n->name, 'ismenu' => 0, 'status' => 'normal');
268 } 268 }
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'jstree'], function ( @@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'jstree'], function (
19 index: function () { 19 index: function () {
20 // 初始化表格参数配置 20 // 初始化表格参数配置
21 Table.api.init({ 21 Table.api.init({
22 - search: false,  
23 - advancedSearch: false,  
24 - pagination: false,  
25 extend: { 22 extend: {
26 "index_url": "auth/group/index", 23 "index_url": "auth/group/index",
27 "add_url": "auth/group/add", 24 "add_url": "auth/group/add",
@@ -45,7 +42,10 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'jstree'], function ( @@ -45,7 +42,10 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'jstree'], function (
45 {field: 'status', title: __('Status'), formatter: Table.api.formatter.status}, 42 {field: 'status', title: __('Status'), formatter: Table.api.formatter.status},
46 {field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), events: Table.api.events.operate, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate} 43 {field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), events: Table.api.events.operate, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate}
47 ] 44 ]
48 - ] 45 + ],
  46 + pagination: false,
  47 + search: false,
  48 + commonSearch: false,
49 }); 49 });
50 50
51 // 为表格绑定事件 51 // 为表格绑定事件
@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'template'], function @@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'template'], function
4 index: function () { 4 index: function () {
5 // 初始化表格参数配置 5 // 初始化表格参数配置
6 Table.api.init({ 6 Table.api.init({
7 - search: true,  
8 - advancedSearch: false,  
9 - pagination: false,  
10 extend: { 7 extend: {
11 "index_url": "auth/rule/index", 8 "index_url": "auth/rule/index",
12 "add_url": "auth/rule/add", 9 "add_url": "auth/rule/add",
@@ -36,7 +33,10 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'template'], function @@ -36,7 +33,10 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'template'], function
36 {field: 'id', title: '<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs btn-toggle"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></a>', operate: false, formatter: Controller.api.formatter.subnode}, 33 {field: 'id', title: '<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs btn-toggle"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></a>', operate: false, formatter: Controller.api.formatter.subnode},
37 {field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), events: Table.api.events.operate, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate} 34 {field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), events: Table.api.events.operate, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate}
38 ] 35 ]
39 - ] 36 + ],
  37 + pagination: false,
  38 + search: false,
  39 + commonSearch: false,
40 }); 40 });
41 41
42 // 为表格绑定事件 42 // 为表格绑定事件
@@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'form', 'table'], function ($, undefin @@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'form', 'table'], function ($, undefin
32 {field: 'status', title: __('Status'), formatter: Table.api.formatter.status}, 32 {field: 'status', title: __('Status'), formatter: Table.api.formatter.status},
33 {field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), events: Table.api.events.operate, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate} 33 {field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), events: Table.api.events.operate, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate}
34 ] 34 ]
35 - ] 35 + ],
  36 + pagination: false,
  37 + search: false,
  38 + commonSearch: false,
36 }); 39 });
37 40
38 // 为表格绑定事件 41 // 为表格绑定事件
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'template'], function @@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'template'], function
47 //启用普通表单搜索 47 //启用普通表单搜索
48 commonSearch: false, 48 commonSearch: false,
49 //可以控制是否默认显示搜索单表,false则隐藏,默认为false 49 //可以控制是否默认显示搜索单表,false则隐藏,默认为false
50 - searchFormVisible: false 50 + searchFormVisible: false,
  51 + //分页大小
  52 + pageSize:12
51 }); 53 });
52 54
53 // 为表格绑定事件 55 // 为表格绑定事件