From bcdbd82c5c064715247af29f725b5bdc1807b19b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Donson <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 16:15:35 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] 修复前台菜单多语言

 application/admin/command/Install/fastadmin.sql | 24 ++++++++++++------------
 application/admin/lang/zh-cn.php                |  6 ++++++
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/application/admin/command/Install/fastadmin.sql b/application/admin/command/Install/fastadmin.sql
index 42dd5c7..8cbffc6 100755
--- a/application/admin/command/Install/fastadmin.sql
+++ b/application/admin/command/Install/fastadmin.sql
@@ -529,18 +529,18 @@ CREATE TABLE `fa_user_rule` (
 -- Records of fa_user_rule
 -- ----------------------------
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (1, 0, 'index', '前台', '', 1, 1516168079, 1516168079, 1, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (2, 0, 'api', 'API接口', '', 1, 1516168062, 1516168062, 2, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (3, 1, 'user', '会员模块', '', 1, 1515386221, 1516168103, 12, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (4, 2, 'user', '会员模块', '', 1, 1515386221, 1516168092, 11, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (5, 3, 'index/user/login', '登录', '', 0, 1515386247, 1515386247, 5, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (6, 3, 'index/user/register', '注册', '', 0, 1515386262, 1516015236, 7, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (7, 3, 'index/user/index', '会员中心', '', 0, 1516015012, 1516015012, 9, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (8, 3, 'index/user/profile', '个人资料', '', 0, 1516015012, 1516015012, 4, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (9, 4, 'api/user/login', '登录', '', 0, 1515386247, 1515386247, 6, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (10, 4, 'api/user/register', '注册', '', 0, 1515386262, 1516015236, 8, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (11, 4, 'api/user/index', '会员中心', '', 0, 1516015012, 1516015012, 10, 'normal');
-INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (12, 4, 'api/user/profile', '个人资料', '', 0, 1516015012, 1516015012, 3, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (1, 0, 'index', 'Frontend', '', 1, 1516168079, 1516168079, 1, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (2, 0, 'api', 'API Interface', '', 1, 1516168062, 1516168062, 2, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (3, 1, 'user', 'User Module', '', 1, 1515386221, 1516168103, 12, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (4, 2, 'user', 'User Module', '', 1, 1515386221, 1516168092, 11, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (5, 3, 'index/user/login', 'Login', '', 0, 1515386247, 1515386247, 5, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (6, 3, 'index/user/register', 'Register', '', 0, 1515386262, 1516015236, 7, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (7, 3, 'index/user/index', 'User Center', '', 0, 1516015012, 1516015012, 9, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (8, 3, 'index/user/profile', 'Profile', '', 0, 1516015012, 1516015012, 4, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (9, 4, 'api/user/login', 'Login', '', 0, 1515386247, 1515386247, 6, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (10, 4, 'api/user/register', 'Register', '', 0, 1515386262, 1516015236, 8, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (11, 4, 'api/user/index', 'User Center', '', 0, 1516015012, 1516015012, 10, 'normal');
+INSERT INTO `fa_user_rule` VALUES (12, 4, 'api/user/profile', 'Profile', '', 0, 1516015012, 1516015012, 3, 'normal');
 -- ----------------------------
diff --git a/application/admin/lang/zh-cn.php b/application/admin/lang/zh-cn.php
index fec04dc..e0a44d4 100755
--- a/application/admin/lang/zh-cn.php
+++ b/application/admin/lang/zh-cn.php
@@ -203,4 +203,10 @@ return [
     'Rule tips'                                             => '规则通常对应一个控制器的方法,同时左侧的菜单栏数据也从规则中体现,通常建议通过命令行进行生成规则节点',
     'Access is allowed only to the super management group'  => '仅超级管理组能访问',
     'Local addon'                                           => '本地插件',
+    // 前台菜单
+    'Frontend'                                              => '前台',
+    'API Interface'                                         => 'API接口',
+    'User Module'                                           => '会员模块',
+    'Register'                                              => '注册',
+    'User Center'                                           => '会员中心',
libgit2 0.24.0