@@ -6638,8 +6638,8 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
;(function(factory) {
typeof module === 'object' && module.exports ? module.exports = factory( require( 'jquery' ) ) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('validator-core',['jquery'], factory) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define('validator-core',['jquery'], factory) :
}(function($, undefined) {
'use strict';
@@ -6746,56 +6746,56 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
/** jQuery Plugin
* @param {Object} options
debug {Boolean} 0 Whether to enable debug mode
timely {Number} 1 Whether to enable timely validation
theme {String} 'default' Theme name
stopOnError {Boolean} false Whether to stop validate when found an error input
focusCleanup {Boolean} false Whether to clean up the field message when focus the field
focusInvalid {Boolean} true Whether to focus the field that is invalid
ignoreBlank {Boolean} false When the field has no value, whether to ignore validation
ignore {jqSelector} '' Ignored fields (Using jQuery selector)
beforeSubmit {Function} Do something before submit form
dataFilter {Function} Convert ajax results
valid {Function} Triggered when the form is valid
invalid {Function} Triggered when the form is invalid
validClass {String} 'n-valid' Add this class name to a valid field
invalidClass {String} 'n-invalid' Add this class name to a invalid field
bindClassTo {jqSelector} ':verifiable' Which element should the className binding to
display {Function} Callback function to get dynamic display
target {Function} Callback function to get dynamic target
msgShow {Function} Trigger this callback when show message
msgHide {Function} Trigger this callback when hide message
msgWrapper {String} 'span' Message wrapper tag name
msgMaker {Function} Callback function to make message HTML
msgArrow {String} Message arrow template
msgIcon {String} Message icon template
msgStyle {String} Custom message css style
msgClass {String} Additional added to the message class names
formClass {String} Additional added to the form class names
messages {Object} Custom messages for the current instance
rules {Object} Custom rules for the current instance
fields {Object} Field validation configuration
{String} key name|#id
{String|Object} value Rule string or an object which can pass more arguments
fields[key][rule] {String} Rule string
fields[key][display] {String|Function}
fields[key][tip] {String} Custom tip message
fields[key][ok] {String} Custom success message
fields[key][msg] {Object} Custom error message
fields[key][msgStyle] {String} Custom message style
fields[key][msgClass] {String} A className which added to message placeholder element
fields[key][msgWrapper] {String} Tag name of the message placeholder element
fields[key][msgMaker] {Function} A function to custom message HTML
fields[key][dataFilter] {Function} A function to convert ajax results
fields[key][valid] {Function} A function triggered when field is valid
fields[key][invalid] {Function} A function triggered when field is invalid
fields[key][must] {Boolean} If set true, we always check the field even has remote checking
fields[key][timely] {Boolean} Whether to enable timely validation
fields[key][target] {jqSelector} Define placement of a message
debug {Boolean} 0 Whether to enable debug mode
timely {Number} 1 Whether to enable timely validation
theme {String} 'default' Theme name
stopOnError {Boolean} false Whether to stop validate when found an error input
focusCleanup {Boolean} false Whether to clean up the field message when focus the field
focusInvalid {Boolean} true Whether to focus the field that is invalid
ignoreBlank {Boolean} false When the field has no value, whether to ignore validation
ignore {jqSelector} '' Ignored fields (Using jQuery selector)
beforeSubmit {Function} Do something before submit form
dataFilter {Function} Convert ajax results
valid {Function} Triggered when the form is valid
invalid {Function} Triggered when the form is invalid
validClass {String} 'n-valid' Add this class name to a valid field
invalidClass {String} 'n-invalid' Add this class name to a invalid field
bindClassTo {jqSelector} ':verifiable' Which element should the className binding to
display {Function} Callback function to get dynamic display
target {Function} Callback function to get dynamic target
msgShow {Function} Trigger this callback when show message
msgHide {Function} Trigger this callback when hide message
msgWrapper {String} 'span' Message wrapper tag name
msgMaker {Function} Callback function to make message HTML
msgArrow {String} Message arrow template
msgIcon {String} Message icon template
msgStyle {String} Custom message css style
msgClass {String} Additional added to the message class names
formClass {String} Additional added to the form class names
messages {Object} Custom messages for the current instance
rules {Object} Custom rules for the current instance
fields {Object} Field validation configuration
{String} key name|#id
{String|Object} value Rule string or an object which can pass more arguments
fields[key][rule] {String} Rule string
fields[key][display] {String|Function}
fields[key][tip] {String} Custom tip message
fields[key][ok] {String} Custom success message
fields[key][msg] {Object} Custom error message
fields[key][msgStyle] {String} Custom message style
fields[key][msgClass] {String} A className which added to message placeholder element
fields[key][msgWrapper] {String} Tag name of the message placeholder element
fields[key][msgMaker] {Function} A function to custom message HTML
fields[key][dataFilter] {Function} A function to convert ajax results
fields[key][valid] {Function} A function triggered when field is valid
fields[key][invalid] {Function} A function triggered when field is invalid
fields[key][must] {Boolean} If set true, we always check the field even has remote checking
fields[key][timely] {Boolean} Whether to enable timely validation
fields[key][target] {jqSelector} Define placement of a message
$.fn.validator = function(options) {
var that = this,
@@ -6865,10 +6865,10 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return ( name === 'input' && !({submit: 1, button: 1, reset: 1, image: 1})[elem.type] ||
name === 'select' ||
name === 'textarea' ||
elem.contentEditable === 'true'
) && !elem.disabled;
name === 'select' ||
name === 'textarea' ||
elem.contentEditable === 'true'
) && !elem.disabled;
// any value, but not only whitespace
filled: function(elem) {
@@ -7038,7 +7038,7 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
!key ||
// If dataRule and element are diffrent from old's, we use ID mode.
(dataRule !== null && (field = me.fields[key]) && dataRule !== field.rule && el.id !== field.key)
) {
key = '#' + el.id;
@@ -7295,9 +7295,6 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
elem = el.name && _checkable(el) ? me.$el.find('input[name="'+ el.name +'"]').get(0) : el;
// Get field
if (!(field = me.getField(elem)) || !field.rule) {
// Cache event type
@@ -7466,7 +7463,7 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
// trigger event
$(el).attr( ARIA_INVALID, isValid ? null : true )
.trigger( callback + CLS_NS_FIELD, [ret, me] );
.trigger( callback + CLS_NS_FIELD, [ret, me] );
me.$el.triggerHandler('validation', [ret, me]);
if (me.checkOnly) return;
@@ -8288,34 +8285,34 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
.on('click', ':submit', function(){
var input = this, attrNode;
if (!input.form) return;
// Shim for "formnovalidate"
attrNode = input.getAttributeNode('formnovalidate');
if (attrNode && attrNode.nodeValue !== null || attr(input, NOVALIDATE)!== null) {
novalidateonce = true;
// Automatic initializing form validation
.on('focusin submit validate', 'form,.'+CLS_WRAPPER, function(e) {
if ( attr(this, NOVALIDATE) !== null ) return;
var $form = $(this), me;
if ( !$form.data(NS) && (me = _getInstance(this)) ) {
if ( !$.isEmptyObject(me.fields) ) {
// Execute event handler
if (e.type === 'focusin') {
.on('click', ':submit', function(){
var input = this, attrNode;
if (!input.form) return;
// Shim for "formnovalidate"
attrNode = input.getAttributeNode('formnovalidate');
if (attrNode && attrNode.nodeValue !== null || attr(input, NOVALIDATE)!== null) {
novalidateonce = true;
// Automatic initializing form validation
.on('focusin submit validate', 'form,.'+CLS_WRAPPER, function(e) {
if ( attr(this, NOVALIDATE) !== null ) return;
var $form = $(this), me;
if ( !$form.data(NS) && (me = _getInstance(this)) ) {
if ( !$.isEmptyObject(me.fields) ) {
// Execute event handler
if (e.type === 'focusin') {
} else {
} else {
} else {
new Messages({
fallback: 'This field is not valid.',
@@ -8330,11 +8327,11 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
* required
* @example:
required(not, -1)
required(from, .contact)
required(not, -1)
required(from, .contact)
required: function(element, params) {
var me = this,
@@ -8394,11 +8391,11 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
* integer
* @example:
integer: function(element, params) {
var re, z = '0|',
@@ -8430,15 +8427,15 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
* match another field
* @example:
match[password] Match the password field (two values must be the same)
match[eq, password] Ditto
match[neq, count] The value must be not equal to the value of the count field
match[lt, count] The value must be less than the value of the count field
match[lte, count] The value must be less than or equal to the value of the count field
match[gt, count] The value must be greater than the value of the count field
match[gte, count] The value must be greater than or equal to the value of the count field
match[gte, startDate, date]
match[gte, startTime, time]
match[password] Match the password field (two values must be the same)
match[eq, password] Ditto
match[neq, count] The value must be not equal to the value of the count field
match[lt, count] The value must be less than the value of the count field
match[lte, count] The value must be less than or equal to the value of the count field
match[gt, count] The value must be greater than the value of the count field
match[gte, count] The value must be greater than or equal to the value of the count field
match[gte, startDate, date]
match[gte, startTime, time]
match: function(element, params) {
if (!params) return;
@@ -8517,9 +8514,9 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
* range numbers
* @example:
range[0~99] Number 0-99
range[0~] Number greater than or equal to 0
range[~100] Number less than or equal to 100
range[0~99] Number 0-99
range[0~] Number greater than or equal to 0
range[~100] Number less than or equal to 100
range: function(element, params) {
return this.getRangeMsg(this.value, params);
@@ -8529,11 +8526,11 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
* how many checkbox or radio inputs that checked
* @example:
checked; no empty, same to required
checked[1~3] 1-3 items
checked[1~] greater than 1 item
checked[~3] less than 3 items
checked[3] 3 items
checked; no empty, same to required
checked[1~3] 1-3 items
checked[1~] greater than 1 item
checked[~3] less than 3 items
checked[3] 3 items
checked: function(element, params) {
if ( !_checkable(element) ) return;
@@ -8563,10 +8560,10 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
* length of a characters (You can pass the second parameter "true", will calculate the length in bytes)
* @example:
length[6~16] 6-16 characters
length[6~] Greater than 6 characters
length[~16] Less than 16 characters
length[~16, true] Less than 16 characters, non-ASCII characters calculating two-character
length[6~16] 6-16 characters
length[6~] Greater than 6 characters
length[~16] Less than 16 characters
length[~16, true] Less than 16 characters, non-ASCII characters calculating two-character
length: function(element, params) {
var value = this.value,
@@ -8581,20 +8578,20 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
* @description
* remote([get:]url [, name1, [name2 ...]]);
* Adaptation three kinds of results (Front for the successful, followed by a failure):
1. text:
'' 'Error Message'
2. json:
{"ok": ""} {"error": "Error Message"}
3. json wrapper:
{"status": 1, "data": {"ok": ""}} {"status": 1, "data": {"error": "Error Message"}}
1. text:
'' 'Error Message'
2. json:
{"ok": ""} {"error": "Error Message"}
3. json wrapper:
{"status": 1, "data": {"ok": ""}} {"status": 1, "data": {"error": "Error Message"}}
* @example
The simplest: remote(path/to/server);
With parameters: remote(path/to/server, name1, name2, ...);
By GET: remote(get:path/to/server, name1, name2, ...);
Name proxy: remote(path/to/server, name1, proxyname2:name2, proxyname3:#id3, ...)
Query String remote(path/to/server, foo=1&bar=2, name1, name2, ...)
CORS remote(cors:path/to/server)
JSONP remote(jsonp:path/to/server)
The simplest: remote(path/to/server);
With parameters: remote(path/to/server, name1, name2, ...);
By GET: remote(get:path/to/server, name1, name2, ...);
Name proxy: remote(path/to/server, name1, proxyname2:name2, proxyname3:#id3, ...)
Query String remote(path/to/server, foo=1&bar=2, name1, name2, ...)
CORS remote(cors:path/to/server)
JSONP remote(jsonp:path/to/server)
remote: function(element, params) {
if (!params) return;
@@ -8698,8 +8695,8 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
* @param {String|Object} name
* @param {Object} obj
* @example
.setTheme( themeName, themeOptions )
.setTheme( multiThemes )
.setTheme( themeName, themeOptions )
.setTheme( multiThemes )
Validator.setTheme = function(name, obj) {
if ( isObject(name) ) {
@@ -8716,10 +8713,10 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
* @static load
* @param {String} str
* @example
.load('local=zh-CN') // load: local/zh-CN.js and jquery.validator.css
.load('local=zh-CN&css=') // load: local/zh-CN.js
.load('local&css') // load: local/en.js (set <html lang="en">) and jquery.validator.css
.load('local') // dito
.load('local=zh-CN') // load: local/zh-CN.js and jquery.validator.css
.load('local=zh-CN&css=') // load: local/zh-CN.js
.load('local&css') // load: local/en.js (set <html lang="en">) and jquery.validator.css
.load('local') // dito
Validator.load = function(str) {
if (!str) return;
@@ -8775,7 +8772,6 @@ define('upload',['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'plupload', 'template'], function ($, un |
return $[NS] = Validator;
* Themes, rules, and i18n support
* Locale: Chinese; 中文