@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ Page({ |
insure: ['投保人', '投保人2'],
insureindex: -1,
beneficiary_list: [{
name: ['受益人1', '受益人2'],
name_array: ['受益人1', '受益人2'],
unit: ''
beneficiaryindex: -1,
tempfavoree: [], // 已选择的受益人
beneficiaryList: [],
beneficiaryindex: -1,
name: '', //受益人的名字,
beneficiary_name: '',
imgs: [],
main_risk: [],
@@ -36,18 +37,37 @@ Page({ |
rang_beneficiary: [],
risk_list: [{
name: '',
projectlist: [],
mo: [],
project_time: '',
time: 1
title: '',
num: ''
main_array: [],
warranty_one: [],
warranty_two: [],
warranty_one: '',
warranty_two: {},
guarantee_name: '',
long_money: [],
long_money: {},
time_name: '',
type_money: '',
more: [],
guarantee: [],
InfoId: 0,
def_id: '',
edit_state: false
policyNum(e) {
in_num: e.detail.value,
setFirm(e) {
firm: e.detail.value,
@@ -55,7 +75,7 @@ Page({ |
var insure = this.data.insure
insureindex: e.detail.value,
applicant_name: insure[e.detail.value]
applicant_name: insure[e.detail.value],
@@ -68,11 +88,43 @@ Page({ |
setRiskName(e) {
// console.log(e)
main_risks: e.detail.value,
// console.log(this.data.main_risks)
yearMoney(e) {
year_money: e.detail.value,
setBank(e) {
bank: e.detail.value,
setBankNum(e) {
bank_num: e.detail.value,
compactTime(e) {
compact_time: e.detail.value,
@@ -91,13 +143,18 @@ Page({ |
ensureProject(e) {
edit_state: false
let that = this;
let type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type;
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.xulie;
let tempProjectlist = Object.assign(this.data.projectlist, {});
// 已经添加的附加险
let rist_list = Object.assign(this.data.risk_list, {});
let tempRist = rist_list[index].projectlist;
let tempRist = rist_list[index].mo;
// 已经添加的主险
let tempMain_list = Object.assign(this.data.main_array, {})
if (type == 'zhuxian') {
@@ -120,18 +177,19 @@ Page({ |
title: '选择保障项目',
popup_state: true,
addType: type,
xulie: index,
projectlist: tempProjectlist
// }
// 调取保障项目接口
@@ -167,6 +225,9 @@ Page({ |
var title = projectlist[index].title
for (var i = 0; i < title.length; i++) {
title[i].current = ''
if (title[i].current == '') {
title[i].label_state = false
projectlist[index].title[sindex].current = sindex
if (projectlist[index].title[sindex].current == sindex) {
@@ -197,8 +258,11 @@ Page({ |
projectlist[index].choose_status = !projectlist[index].choose_status;
// console.log(projectlist)
projectlist: projectlist
projectlist: projectlist,
if (this.data.inforid != 0) {
edit_state: false
@@ -209,12 +273,27 @@ Page({ |
var main_array = []
var projectlist = Object.assign(this.data.projectlist, {})
for (var i = 0; i < projectlist.length; i++) {
// for (var j = 0; j < projectlist[i].title.length; j++) {
if (projectlist[i].choose_status) {
// if (projectlist[i].title[j].current == ''){
// projectlist[i].title[j].label_state=false
// }
// }
// for (var i = 0; i < projectlist.length; i++) {
// for (var j = 0; j < projectlist[i].title.length; j++) {
// if (projectlist[i].choose_status) {
// if (projectlist[i].title[j].current == '') {
// projectlist[i].title[j].label_state = false
// main_array.push(projectlist[i])
// }
// }
// }
// }
if (main_array != '') {
title: '添加成功',
@@ -223,7 +302,8 @@ Page({ |
if (type == 'fujiaxian') {
let tempRist = that.data.risk_list;
tempRist[index]['projectlist'] = main_array;
tempRist[index]['mo'] = main_array;
risk_list: tempRist,
@@ -259,39 +339,106 @@ Page({ |
}, 1000)
tempMain() {
// var main_array = this.data.main_array
// var warranty_one = this.data.warranty_one
// var temp = {}
// var len = main_array.length
// for (var i = 0; i < main_array.length; i++) {
// if (main_array[i].choose_status) {
// temp.num = main_array[i].beneficiary_name
// temp.title = main_array[i].name
// warranty_one.push(temp)
// }
// var hash = {};
// var temrecommend = warranty_one.reduce(function (item, next) {
// hash[next.name] ? '' : hash[next.name] = true && item.push(next);
// return item
// }, [])
// console.log(temrecommend)
// this.setData({
// warranty_one: temrecommend
// })
// }
var main_array = this.data.main_array
var warranty_one1 = []
for (var i = 0; i < main_array.length; i++) {
var temp = {}
for (var j = 0; j < main_array[i].title.length; j++) {
if (main_array[i].choose_status) {
if (main_array[i].title[j].label_state) {
temp.id = main_array[i].id
temp.name = main_array[i].name
temp.num = main_array[i].num
temp.title = main_array[i].title[j].name
temp.t_id = main_array[i].title[j].t_id
guarantee: warranty_one1
addRiskName(e) {
var risk_list = this.data.risk_list
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index
risk_list[index].name = e.detail.value
risk_list: risk_list
addRiskUnit(e) {
var risk_list = this.data.risk_list
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index
risk_list[index].num = e.detail.value
risk_list: risk_list
tempAddRisk() {
var risk_list = this.data.risk_list
var temp_risk = []
var sub_array = []
for (var i = 0; i < risk_list.length; i++) {
var temp = {}
for (var j = 0; j < risk_list[i].mo.length; j++) {
var subtemp = {}
for (var k = 0; k < risk_list[i].mo[j].title.length; k++) {
if (risk_list[i].name != '') {
if (risk_list[i].mo[j].choose_status) {
if (risk_list[i].mo[j].title[k].label_state) {
temp.name = risk_list[i].name
temp.num = risk_list[i].num
temp.title = risk_list[i].title
subtemp.id = risk_list[i].mo[j].id
subtemp.name = risk_list[i].mo[j].name
subtemp.num = risk_list[i].mo[j].num
subtemp.title = risk_list[i].mo[j].title[k].name
subtemp.t_id = risk_list[i].mo[j].title[k].t_id
temp.mo = sub_array
more: temp_risk
beneficiarySelect(e) {
// console.log(e)
if (this.data.inforid != 0) {
edit_state: false
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.mindex
var beneficiary_list = Object.assign(this.data.beneficiary_list, {});
// 获取当前已选择的收益人
let tempBenefice = Object.assign(this.data.beneficiaryList, {})
// 当前选择的收益人
let nowPerson = beneficiary_list[index].name[e.detail.value];
let nowPerson = beneficiary_list[index].name_array[e.detail.value];
// 判断受益人是否已经添加
const add = tempBenefice.every((tempBenefice) => {
return tempBenefice != nowPerson
@@ -306,28 +453,14 @@ Page({ |
icon: 'none'
// for (var i = 0; i < beneficiary_list.length; i++) {
// for (var j = 0; j < beneficiary_list[i].name.length; j++) {
// var beneficiary_name =
// beneficiary_list[index].beneficiary_name = beneficiary_list[i].name[e.detail.value]
// // console.log(beneficiary_list)
// }
// }
// let tempRangArry = this.data.rang_beneficiary;
// tempRangArry[index] = beneficiary_list[index].name[e.detail.value]
// console.log(tempRangArry)
beneficiary_list: beneficiary_list,
beneficiaryList: tempBenefice
addUnit(e) {
var beneficiary_list = this.data.beneficiary_list;
@@ -354,7 +487,7 @@ Page({ |
} else {
list[len] = {
name: ['受益人1', '受益人2'],
name_array: this.data.insure,
unit: ''
@@ -365,7 +498,6 @@ Page({ |
tempBeneficiary() {
var beneficiary_list = this.data.beneficiary_list
var len = beneficiary_list.length;
@@ -377,12 +509,6 @@ Page({ |
temp.unit = beneficiary_list[i].unit;
// var hash = {};
// var temrecommend = tempfavoree.reduce(function (item, next) {
// hash[next.name] ? '' : hash[next.name] = true && item.push(next);
// return item
// }, [])
tempfavoree: tempfavoree1
@@ -390,7 +516,6 @@ Page({ |
deletebenefict(e) {
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
@@ -409,13 +534,19 @@ Page({ |
addRisk() {
if (this.data.inforid != 0) {
edit_state: false
var risk_list = Object.assign(this.data.risk_list, {});
var len = risk_list.length
risk_list[len] = {
name: '',
projectlist: [],
mo: [],
project_time: '',
time: ''
title: '',
num: ''
risk_list: risk_list
@@ -431,6 +562,7 @@ Page({ |
risk_list: risk_list
uploadImage() {
let that = this;
@@ -533,12 +665,20 @@ Page({ |
warrantyTwo(e) {
if (this.data.inforid != 0) {
edit_state: false
var guarantee_name = e.detail.value
guarantee_name: guarantee_name
guarantee_name: e.detail.value
@@ -547,8 +687,10 @@ Page({ |
unit: unit
tempWarranty() {
var guarantee_name = this.data.guarantee_name
@@ -556,14 +698,68 @@ Page({ |
var warranty_two = this.data.warranty_two
warranty_two.num = guarantee_name
warranty_two.title = unit
warranty_two: warranty_two
countImpletionTime2() {
var guarantee_name = parseInt(this.data.guarantee_name)
var unit = this.data.unit
var compact_time = this.data.compact_time
var year = parseInt(new Date(compact_time).getFullYear())
var month = parseInt(new Date(compact_time).getMonth() + 1)
var day = parseInt(new Date(compact_time).getDate())
// var impletion_time = this.data.impletion_time
var warranty_one = this.data.warranty_one
var tempbirth_time = ''
var birthday = '1995-04-20'
var birthday_year = parseInt(new Date(birthday).getFullYear())
if (compact_time == '') {
title: '请选择合同生效日',
icon: 'none'
} else {
if (unit == '年') {
var temp_year = (year + guarantee_name)
var temp_day = day - 1
if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;
if (temp_day < 10) temp_day = "0" + temp_day;
// impletion_time = temp_year + '-' + month + '-' + temp_day
warranty_one = temp_year + '-' + month + '-' + temp_day
} else if (unit == '岁') {
var temp_year = (birthday_year + guarantee_name - 1)
var temp_year2 = (birthday_year + guarantee_name)
var temp_month = month
if (temp_month < 10) temp_month = "0" + temp_month;
if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;
if (day < 10) day = "0" + day;
// impletion_time = temp_year + '-' + temp_month + '-' + day
warranty_one = temp_year2 + '-' + month + '-' + day
} else if (unit == '终身') {
// impletion_time = '终身缴费'
warranty_one = '终身'
// impletion_time: impletion_time,
warranty_one: warranty_one
burningTime(e) {
if (this.data.inforid != 0) {
edit_state: false
var time_name = e.detail.value
time_name: time_name
@@ -583,10 +779,10 @@ Page({ |
tempburningTime() {
var time_name = this.data.time_name
var unit = this.data.unit2
var long_money = this.data.long_money
long_money.num = time_name
long_money.title = unit
// console.log(long_money)
long_money: long_money
@@ -597,42 +793,49 @@ Page({ |
countImpletionTime() {
var time_name = parseInt(this.data.time_name)
var unit = this.data.unit2
var compact_time = this.data.compact_time
var year = parseInt(new Date(compact_time).getFullYear())
var month = parseInt(new Date(compact_time).getMonth() + 1)
var day = parseInt(new Date(compact_time).getDate())
var impletion_time = this.data.impletion_time
var warranty_one = this.data.warranty_one
// var warranty_one = this.data.warranty_one
var tempbirth_time = ''
var birthday = '1995-04-20'
var birthday_year = parseInt(new Date(birthday).getFullYear())
if (unit == '年') {
var temp_year = (year + time_name)
var temp_day = day - 1
if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;
if (temp_day < 10) temp_day = "0" + temp_day;
impletion_time = temp_year + '-' + month + '-' + temp_day
warranty_one = temp_year + '-' + month + '-' + temp_day
} else if (unit == '岁') {
var temp_year = (birthday_year + time_name - 1)
var temp_year2 = (birthday_year + time_name)
var temp_month = month
if (temp_month < 10) temp_month = "0" + temp_month;
if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;
if (day < 10) day = "0" + day;
impletion_time = temp_year + '-' + temp_month + '-' + day
warranty_one = temp_year2 + '-' + month + '-' + day
} else if (unit == '终身') {
impletion_time = '终身缴费'
warranty_one = '终身'
if (compact_time == '') {
title: '请选择合同生效日',
icon: 'none'
} else {
if (unit == '年') {
var temp_year = (year + time_name)
var temp_day = day - 1
if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;
if (temp_day < 10) temp_day = "0" + temp_day;
impletion_time = temp_year + '-' + month + '-' + temp_day
// warranty_one = temp_year + '-' + month + '-' + temp_day
} else if (unit == '岁') {
var temp_year = (birthday_year + time_name - 1)
var temp_year2 = (birthday_year + time_name)
var temp_month = month
if (temp_month < 10) temp_month = "0" + temp_month;
if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;
if (day < 10) day = "0" + day;
impletion_time = temp_year + '-' + temp_month + '-' + day
// warranty_one = temp_year2 + '-' + month + '-' + day
} else if (unit == '终身') {
impletion_time = '终身缴费'
// warranty_one = '终身'
impletion_time: impletion_time,
// warranty_one: warranty_one
impletion_time: impletion_time,
warranty_one: warranty_one
@@ -644,49 +847,202 @@ Page({ |
selectUnit4(e) {
var unit = e.currentTarget.dataset.unit;
let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
let risk_list = Object.assign(this.data.risk_list, {});
risk_list[index].time = unit
risk_list[index].title = unit
risk_list: risk_list
// 保单验证&&上传保单
listVerify(e) {
familyMember() {
var FamilyId = this.data.FamilyId
let url = 'counselor/familyname'
let params = {
FamilyId: FamilyId,
app.post(url, params).then((res) => {
// console.log(res)
var beneficiary_list = this.data.beneficiary_list
for (var i in beneficiary_list) {
beneficiary_list[i].name_array = res.data.data.list
// console.log(beneficiary_list)
if (res.data.code == 200) {
insure: res.data.data.list,
recognizee: res.data.data.list,
beneficiary_list: beneficiary_list,
setStorge(e) {
var favoree = JSON.stringify(this.data.tempfavoree)
var warranty_two = JSON.stringify(this.data.warranty_two)
var long_money = JSON.stringify(this.data.long_money)
var more = JSON.stringify(this.data.more)
var guarantee = JSON.stringify(this.data.guarantee)
var warn = ""; //弹框时提示的内容
var in_num = this.data.in_num
var firm = this.data.firm
var applicant = this.data.applicant_name
var recognizee = this.data.recognizee_name
var main_risks = this.data.main_risks
var year_money = this.data.year_money
var compact_time = this.data.compact_time
var impletion_time = this.data.impletion_time
var warranty_one = JSON.stringify(this.data.warranty_one)
var type_money = this.data.type_money
var bank = this.data.bank
var bank_num = this.data.bank_num
var picurl = JSON.stringify(this.data.imgs)
let url = 'counselor/inforsave'
let params = {
// InfoId: this.data.inforid,
def_id: this.data.def_id,
in_num: in_num,
firm: firm,
applicant: applicant,
recognizee: recognizee,
favoree: favoree,
main_risks: main_risks,
guarantee: guarantee,
year_money: year_money,
warranty_two: warranty_two,
compact_time: compact_time,
impletion_time: impletion_time,
warranty_one: warranty_one,
long_money: long_money,
type_money: type_money,
bank: bank,
bank_num: bank_num,
more: more,
picurl: picurl,
app.post(url, params).then((res) => {
if (res.data.code == 200) {
delta: 1,
getStorage() {
let url = 'counselor/inforCopy'
let params = {
def_id: this.data.def_id,
app.post(url, params).then((res) => {
if (res.data.code == 200) {
var warranty_two = res.data.data.def.warranty_two
var unit = this.data.unit
unit = warranty_two.title
var long_money = res.data.data.def.long_money
var unit2 = this.data.unit2
unit2 = long_money.title
var type_money = res.data.data.def.type_money
var unit3 = this.data.unit3
unit3 = type_money
var beneficiary_list = res.data.data.def.favoree
for (var obj in beneficiary_list) {
beneficiary_list[obj].beneficiary_name = beneficiary_list[obj].name
beneficiary_list[obj].name_array = this.data.insure
imgs: res.data.data.def.picurl,
type_money: res.data.data.def.type_money,
unit3: unit3,
year_money: res.data.data.def.year_money,
long_money: res.data.data.def.long_money,
unit2: unit2,
in_num: res.data.data.def.in_num,
firm: res.data.data.def.firm,
main_risks: res.data.data.def.main_risks,
main_array: res.data.data.def.guarantee,
applicant_name: res.data.data.def.applicant,
recognizee_name: res.data.data.def.recognizee,
warranty_one: res.data.data.def.warranty_one,
warranty_two: res.data.data.def.warranty_two,
unit: unit,
compact_time: res.data.data.def.compact_time,
impletion_time: res.data.data.def.impletion_time,
bank: res.data.data.def.bank,
bank_num: res.data.data.def.bank_num,
risk_list: res.data.data.def.more,
beneficiary_list: beneficiary_list,
edit_state: true,
// 保单验证&&上传保单
listVerify(e) {
if (this.data.inforid == 0 || this.data.inforid == undefined) {
var favoree = JSON.stringify(this.data.tempfavoree)
var warranty_two = JSON.stringify(this.data.warranty_two)
var long_money = JSON.stringify(this.data.long_money)
var more = JSON.stringify(this.data.more)
var guarantee = JSON.stringify(this.data.guarantee)
} else if (this.data.edit_state) {
var favoree = JSON.stringify(this.data.beneficiary_list)
var warranty_two = JSON.stringify(this.data.warranty_two)
var long_money = JSON.stringify(this.data.long_money)
var more = JSON.stringify(this.data.risk_list)
var guarantee = JSON.stringify(this.data.main_array)
} else {
var favoree = JSON.stringify(this.data.tempfavoree)
var warranty_two = JSON.stringify(this.data.warranty_two)
var long_money = JSON.stringify(this.data.long_money)
var more = JSON.stringify(this.data.more)
var guarantee = JSON.stringify(this.data.guarantee)
var warn = ""; //弹框时提示的内容
var flag = true; //判断信息输入是否完整判断弹窗
var in_num = e.detail.value.policy_num
var firm = e.detail.value.company;
var applicant = this.data.applicant_name
var recognizee = this.data.recognizee_name
var favoree = this.data.tempfavoree
var main_risks = e.detail.value.main_risks
var year_money = e.detail.value.year_money
var compact_time = this.data.compact_time
var impletion_time = this.data.impletion_time
var warranty_one = this.data.main_array
var warranty_two = this.data.warranty_two
var warranty_one = JSON.stringify(this.data.warranty_one)
var type_money = this.data.type_money
var bank = e.detail.value.bank
var bank_num = e.detail.value.bank_num
var type_money = this.data.type_money
var long_money = this.data.long_money
var year_money = e.detail.value.year_money
// var coverage = e.detail.value.base_money
var main_risks = e.detail.value.main_risks
var warranty = e.detail.value.Guarantee_period
var picurl = JSON.stringify(this.data.imgs)
var guarantee = JSON.stringify(this.data.selectitem) //保障项目
var more = JSON.stringify(this.data.addlist)
// if (this.data.inforid != undefined) {
if (in_num == '') {
warn = '请输入保单号!'
} else if (firm == '') {
@@ -697,28 +1053,30 @@ Page({ |
warn = '请输入被保险人!'
} else if (favoree == '') {
warn = '请输入受益人!'
} else if (main_risks == '') {
warn = '请输入主险名称!'
} else if (year_money == '') {
warn = '请输入年交保费!'
} else if (compact_time == '') {
warn = '请输入合同生效日!'
} else if (impletion_time == '') {
warn = '请输入缴费期满日!'
} else if (warranty == '') {
} else if (warranty_two.num == '') {
warn = '请输入保障期!'
} else if (long_money.num == '') {
warn = '请输入缴费时长!'
} else if (type_money == '') {
warn = '请输入缴费方式!'
} else if (bank == '') {
warn = '请输入续费银行!'
} else if (bank_num == '') {
warn = '请输入续费账号!'
} else if (!(/^[0-9]+.?[0-9]*/.test(bank_num))) {
warn = '请输入正确续费账号!'
} else if (year_money == '') {
warn = '请输入年交保费!'
} else if (main_risks == '') {
warn = '请输入主险名称!'
} else if (coverage == '') {
warn = '请输入主险基本保额!'
} else if (more.length == 2) {
warn = '请上传上传附加险!'
} else if (guarantee.length == 0) {
warn = '请选择保障项目!'
} else if (impletion_time == '') {
warn = '请输入缴费期满日!'
} else if (warranty_one == '') {
warn = '请输入主险保障期!'
} else if (more == '') {
warn = '请输入附加险!'
} else if (picurl.length == 2) {
warn = '请选择图片!'
} else {
@@ -733,17 +1091,19 @@ Page({ |
applicant: applicant,
recognizee: recognizee,
favoree: favoree,
main_risks: main_risks,
guarantee: guarantee,
year_money: year_money,
warranty_two: warranty_two,
compact_time: compact_time,
impletion_time: impletion_time,
warranty: warranty,
warranty_one: warranty_one,
long_money: long_money,
type_money: type_money,
bank: bank,
bank_num: bank_num,
year_money: year_money,
main_risks: main_risks,
coverage: coverage,
more: more,
guarantee: guarantee,
picurl: picurl
picurl: picurl,
app.post(url, params).then((res) => {
if (res.data.code == 200) {
@@ -753,105 +1113,7 @@ Page({ |
// }
// else {
// if (in_num == '') {
// warn = '请输入保单号!'
// } else if (firm == '') {
// warn = '请输入所属公司!'
// } else if (applicant == '') {
// warn = '请输入投保人!'
// } else if (recognizee == '') {
// warn = '请输入被保险人!'
// } else if (favoree == '') {
// warn = '请输入受益人!'
// } else if (compact_time == '') {
// warn = '请输入合同生效日!'
// } else if (impletion_time == '') {
// warn = '请输入缴费期满日!'
// } else if (warranty == '') {
// warn = '请输入保障期!'
// } else if (bank == '') {
// warn = '请输入续费银行!'
// } else if (bank_num == '') {
// warn = '请输入续费账号!'
// } else if (!(/^[0-9]+.?[0-9]*/.test(bank_num))) {
// warn = '请输入正确续费账号!'
// } else if (year_money == '') {
// warn = '请输入年交保费!'
// } else if (main_risks == '') {
// warn = '请输入主险名称!'
// } else if (coverage == '') {
// warn = '请输入主险基本保额!'
// } else if (more.length == 2) {
// warn = '请上传上传附加险!'
// } else if (guarantee.length == 2) {
// warn = '请选择保障项目!'
// } else if (picurl.length == 2) {
// warn = '请选择图片!'
// } else {
// flag = false
// // 添加、修改保单接口调取
// let url = 'counselor/inforuodate'
// let params = {
// def_id: this.data.def_id,
// in_num: in_num,
// firm: firm,
// applicant: applicant,
// recognizee: recognizee,
// favoree: favoree,
// compact_time: compact_time,
// impletion_time: impletion_time,
// warranty: warranty,
// bank: bank,
// bank_num: bank_num,
// year_money: year_money,
// main_risks: main_risks,
// coverage: coverage,
// more: more,
// guarantee: guarantee,
// picurl: picurl
// }
// app.post(url, params).then((res) => {
// var projectlist = this.data.projectlist
// for (var i = 0; i < projectlist.length; i++) {
// projectlist[i].status = false
// }
// if (res.data.code == 200) {
// var continue1 = e.detail.target.dataset.type
// var complete = e.detail.target.dataset.type
// if (continue1 == 'continue1') {
// wx.showToast({
// title: '添加成功',
// icon: 'none',
// duration: 2000,
// })
// this.setData({
// nullNum: '',
// addlist: [{
// name: '',
// num: '',
// title: ''
// }],
// projectlist: projectlist,
// imgs: [],
// compact_time: '',
// impletion_time: ''
// })
// } else if (complete == complete) {
// wx.showToast({
// title: '添加成功',
// icon: 'none',
// duration: 2000,
// })
// wx.navigateBack({
// delta: 1,
// })
// }
// }
// })
// }
// }
if (flag == true) {
title: warn,
@@ -862,11 +1124,107 @@ Page({ |
getlistVerify() {
let url = 'counselor/infordef'
let params = {
InfoId: this.data.inforid,
app.post(url, params).then((res) => {
if (res.data.code == 200) {
var warranty_two = res.data.data.def.warranty_two
var unit = this.data.unit
unit = warranty_two.title
var long_money = res.data.data.def.long_money
var unit2 = this.data.unit2
unit2 = long_money.title
var type_money = res.data.data.def.type_money
var unit3 = this.data.unit3
unit3 = type_money
var beneficiary_list = res.data.data.def.favoree
for (var obj in beneficiary_list) {
beneficiary_list[obj].beneficiary_name = beneficiary_list[obj].name
beneficiary_list[obj].name_array = this.data.insure
var risk_list = res.data.data.def.more
var projectlist = this.data.projectlist
for (var i = 0; i < risk_list.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < projectlist.length; j++) {
for (var k = 0; k < projectlist[j].title.length; k++) {
if (risk_list[i].id == projectlist[j].id) {
if (risk_list[i].title == projectlist[j].title[k].name) {
var title = {}
title.name = projectlist[j].title[k]
// risk_list[i].push(title)
var warranty_two = res.data.data.def.warranty_two
var guarantee_name = warranty_two.num
var long_money = res.data.data.def.long_money
var time_name = long_money.num
imgs: res.data.data.def.picurl,
type_money: res.data.data.def.type_money,
unit3: unit3,
year_money: res.data.data.def.year_money,
long_money: res.data.data.def.long_money,
unit2: unit2,
in_num: res.data.data.def.in_num,
firm: res.data.data.def.firm,
main_risks: res.data.data.def.main_risks,
main_array: res.data.data.def.guarantee,
applicant_name: res.data.data.def.applicant,
recognizee_name: res.data.data.def.recognizee,
warranty_one: res.data.data.def.warranty_one,
warranty_two: res.data.data.def.warranty_two,
unit: unit,
compact_time: res.data.data.def.compact_time,
impletion_time: res.data.data.def.impletion_time,
bank: res.data.data.def.bank,
bank_num: res.data.data.def.bank_num,
risk_list: risk_list,
beneficiary_list: beneficiary_list,
edit_state: true,
guarantee_name: guarantee_name,
time_name: time_name,
* 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
onLoad: function(options) {
def_id: options.def_id,
inforid: options.inforid,
FamilyId: options.FamilyId,
recognizee_name: options.name
if (options.inforid == undefined) {
inforid: 0
if (options.FamilyId != '') {
if (options.inforid != undefined) {
} else {
// this.getStorage()