// pages/homapage/homepage.js const app = getApp() Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { url: '', shai: false, letter: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"], cityListId: '', //下面是城市列表信息,这里只是模拟数据 citylist: [{ "letter": "A", "data": [{ "id": "v7", "cityName": "安徽" }] }, { "letter": "B", "data": [{ "id": "v10", "cityName": "巴中" }, { "id": "v4", "cityName": "包头" }, { "id": "v1", "cityName": "北京" }] }, { "letter": "C", "data": [{ "id": "v15", "cityName": "成都" }] }, { "letter": "D", "data": [{ "id": "v21", "cityName": "稻城" }] }, { "letter": "G", "data": [{ "id": "v17", "cityName": "广州" }, { "id": "v29", "cityName": "桂林" }] }, { "letter": "H", "data": [{ "id": "v9", "cityName": "海南" }, { "id": "v3", "cityName": "呼和浩特" }] }, { "letter": "L", "data": [{ "id": "v24", "cityName": "洛阳" }, { "id": "v20", "cityName": "拉萨" }, { "id": "v14", "cityName": "丽江" }] }, { "letter": "M", "data": [{ "id": "v13", "cityName": "眉山" }] }, { "letter": "N", "data": [{ "id": "v27", "cityName": "南京" }] }, { "letter": "S", "data": [{ "id": "v18", "cityName": "三亚" }, { "id": "v2", "cityName": "上海" }] }, { "letter": "T", "data": [{ "id": "v5", "cityName": "天津" }] }, { "letter": "W", "data": [{ "id": "v12", "cityName": "乌鲁木齐" }, { "id": "v25", "cityName": "武汉" }] }, { "letter": "X", "data": [{ "id": "v23", "cityName": "西安" }, { "id": "v28", "cityName": "香港" }, { "id": "v19", "cityName": "厦门" }] }, { "letter": "Z", "data": [{ "id": "v8", "cityName": "张家口" }] }], //下面是热门城市数据,模拟数据 newcity: ['北京', '上海', '广州', '深圳', '成都', '杭州'], // citySel: '全国', locateCity: '', type: "", record: '', showcountry: false, showcity: false, showregin:false, countrylist: [], citylist: [], reginlist:[], sort_id: '', country: '', city: "", region: '', odor_id: "", kindlist: [{ type: 1, name: '品类', sle: false }, { type: 2, name: '国别', sle: false }, { type: 3, name: '产区', sle: false }, { type: 4, name: '香型', sle: false }], currentCity:'' }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function(options) { this.setData({ url: app.globalData.url }) console.log(this.data.url) this.getshailist(); this.gethomeindex(); this.getcity() }, //进入搜索页 entersearch(){ wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/homeblock/search/search', }) }, //进入品牌页 jumpbrand(e){ let id=e.currentTarget.dataset.id; wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/homeblock/brandlist/brandlist?id='+id, }) }, //获取用户当前位置 getcity() { let that = this; wx.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', success: function (res) { // 经纬度 var latitude = res.latitude var longitude = res.longitude // that.setData({ // wd: latitude, // jd: longitude // }) // that.gethostipallist() var aK = that.data.aK wx.request({ url: 'https://api.map.baidu.com/geocoder/v2/?ak=y8jPDTMIuAnaVscUztce1RKfNx8v5sok&location=' + latitude + ',' + longitude + '&output=json', data: {}, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { console.log('1234567890', res) var province = res.data.result.addressComponent.province; let district = res.data.result.addressComponent.district that.setData({ currentCity: province }) wx.setStorageSync('city', province) wx.request({ // url: 'xxx' + city, // data: {}, // header: { // 'content-type': 'application/json' // }, // success: function (res) { // that.setData({ // county: res.data, // }) // }, }) } }) }, fail: function () { wx.showToast({ title: '授权失败,请打开GPS重新进入页面授权', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) } }) }, letterTap(e) { console.log(e) const Item = e.currentTarget.dataset.item; console.log(Item) this.setData({ cityListId: Item }); console.log("..............." + this.data.cityListId); }, //获取筛选内容 getshailist() { let that = this; var url = "/index/Index/filter" var params = { } app.post(url, params).then((res) => { that.setData({ record: res.wine_count, }) if (that.data.type == 1) { that.setData({ shaikind: res.sort, }) } else if (that.data.type == 2) { that.setData({ countrylist: res.country }) let newcountrylist = that.data.countrylist; for (var obj of newcountrylist) { obj.sel = false } that.setData({ countrylist:newcountrylist }) } else if (that.data.type == 3) { if(that.data.kindlist[1].name=='中国'){ that.setData({ citylist: res.region }) }else{ that.setData({ citylist: [] }) } let newcitylist = that.data.citylist; for (var obj of newcitylist) { obj.sel = false } that.setData({ citylist:newcitylist }) } else if (that.data.type == 4) { that.setData({ shaikind: res.odor }) } let newshaikind = that.data.shaikind; for (var obj of newshaikind) { obj.sel = false } that.setData({ shaikind: newshaikind }) let newnewshaikind = that.data.shaikind; for (var obj of newnewshaikind) { if (that.data.type == 1) { if (obj.id == that.data.sort_id) { obj.sel = true } } else if (that.data.type == 4) { if (obj.id == that.data.odor_id) { obj.sel = true } } } that.setData({ shaikind: newnewshaikind }) }).catch((err) => { }) }, // 点击筛选 shaikind(e) { let that = this; let type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type that.setData({ type: e.currentTarget.dataset.type, // shai: true }) if (type == 2) { that.setData({ shai: false, showcountry: true }) }else if(type==3){ that.setData({ shai: false, showcity: true }) }else{ that.setData({ shai: true, showcity: false, showcountry: false }) } let newkindlist = that.data.kindlist; for (var obj of newkindlist) { if (obj.type == type) { obj.sel = !obj.sel; if (obj.sel == true) { that.setData({ shai: true, }) } else { that.setData({ shai: false, }) } } else { obj.sel = false } } that.setData({ kindlist: newkindlist }) that.getshailist(); }, //选择类别 selectkind(e) { let id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; console.log(id) let newshaikind = this.data.shaikind; for (var obj of newshaikind) { if (obj.id == id) { obj.sel = !obj.sel } else { obj.sel = false } if (this.data.type == 1) { if (obj.sel == true) { this.setData({ sort_id: obj.id, }) let newkindlist=this.data.kindlist; newkindlist[0].name = obj.sort_name; this.setData({ kindlist:newkindlist }) } } else if (this.data.type == 4) { if (obj.sel == true) { this.setData({ odor_id: obj.id }) let newkindlist = this.data.kindlist; newkindlist[3].name = obj.odor_name; this.setData({ kindlist: newkindlist }) } } } this.setData({ shaikind: newshaikind }) // this.setData({ // shai:false // }) }, hideregister() { this.setData({ shai: false }) let newkindlist = this.data.kindlist; for (var obj of newkindlist) { obj.sel = false; } this.setData({ kindlist: newkindlist }) this.gethomeindex() }, //筛选首页内容 gethomeindex() { let that = this; var url = "/index/Index/index" var params = { sort_id: that.data.sort_id, country: that.data.country, city: that.data.city, region: that.data.region, odor_id: that.data.odor_id } app.post(url, params).then((res) => { console.log(res); that.setData({ newcity: res.top, citylist: res.brand_list }) let newbrand_list = that.data.citylist; }).catch((err) => { console.log(err) }) }, // 选择国家 selectcountry(e) { let countryid = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; let newcountrylist = this.data.countrylist; for (var obj of newcountrylist) { obj.sel = !obj.sel; if (obj.sel == true) { if (obj.id == countryid) { let newkindlist = this.data.kindlist; newkindlist[1].name = obj.country_name this.setData({ kindlist: newkindlist, country: obj.country_name }) } else { obj.sel = false } } } this.setData({ countrylist: newcountrylist }) }, //选择城市 selectcity(e){ let cityindex = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; console.log(cityindex) let newcitylist = this.data.citylist; for (var i=0;i<newcitylist.length;i++) { if (i == cityindex) { this.setData({ reginlist: newcitylist[i].region_list, showregin:true, showcity:false, city: newcitylist[i].city }) } } let newreginlist=this.data.reginlist; for (var obj of newreginlist){ obj.sel=false } this.setData({ reginlist:newreginlist }) }, //选择区 selectregin(e){ let reginindex=e.currentTarget.dataset.index; let newreginlist=this.data.reginlist; for(var i=0;i<newreginlist.length;i++){ // newreginlist[i].sel = !newreginlist[i].sel if(i==reginindex){ console.log(243782347) newreginlist[i].sel=true; let newkindlist = this.data.kindlist; newkindlist[2].name = newreginlist[i].name; this.setData({ kindlist: newkindlist, region: newreginlist[i].name }) console.log(this.data.kindlist) }else{ newreginlist[i].sel=false } } this.setData({ reginlist:newreginlist }) console.log(this.data.reginlist) }, //确定选择国家 countrysure() { this.setData({ showcountry: false, shai:false }) this.gethomeindex() }, //确定选择省 citysure(){ this.setData({ showregin: false, shai: false, showcity: false }) this.gethomeindex() }, //选择区 sureregin(){ this.setData({ showregin:false, shai:false, showcity:false }) this.gethomeindex() }, //筛选 shaixuan(){ wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/homeblock/zhinengselect/zhinengselect', }) // this.gethomeindex() }, choseaddress(){ wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/homeblock/selectcity/selectcity', }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function() { let city = wx.getStorageSync("cityname"); console.log(city) if(city!=''){ this.setData({ currentCity: city }) } // this.getshailist() }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function() { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function() { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function() { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function() { } })