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globule Build Status

An easy-to-use wildcard globbing library.

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install globule

var globule = require('globule');
var filepaths = globule.find('**/*.js');



Returns a unique array of all file or directory paths that match the given globbing pattern(s). This method accepts either comma separated globbing patterns or an array of globbing patterns. Paths matching patterns that begin with ! will be excluded from the returned array. Patterns are processed in order, so inclusion and exclusion order is significant.

globule.find(patterns [, options])

The options object supports all glob library options, along with a few extras. These are the most commonly used:

  • filter Either a valid fs.Stats method name or a function that will be passed the matched src filepath and options object as arguments. This function should return a Boolean value.
  • nonull Retain globbing patterns in result set even if they fail to match files.
  • matchBase Patterns without slashes will match just the basename part. Eg. this makes *.js work like **/*.js.
  • srcBase Patterns will be matched relative to the specified path instead of the current working directory. This is a synonym for cwd.
  • prefixBase Any specified srcBase will be prefixed to all returned filepaths.


Match one or more globbing patterns against one or more file paths. Returns a uniqued array of all file paths that match any of the specified globbing patterns. Both the patterns and filepaths arguments can be a single string or array of strings. Paths matching patterns that begin with ! will be excluded from the returned array. Patterns are processed in order, so inclusion and exclusion order is significant.

grunt.file.match(patterns, filepaths [, options])


This method contains the same signature and logic as the globule.match method, but returns true if any files were matched, otherwise false.

grunt.file.isMatch(patterns, filepaths [, options])


Given a set of source file paths, returns an array of src-dest file mapping objects. Both src and dest paths may be renamed, depending on the options specified.

globule.mapping(filepaths [, options])

In addition to the options the globule.find method supports, the options object also supports these properties:

  • srcBase The directory from which patterns are matched. Any string specified as srcBase is effectively stripped from the beginning of all matched paths.
  • destBase The specified path is prefixed to all dest filepaths.
  • ext Remove anything after (and including) the first . in the destination path, then append this value.
  • extDot Change the behavior of ext, "first" and "last" will remove anything after the first or last . in the destination filename, respectively. Defaults to "first".
  • flatten Remove the path component from all matched src files. The src file path is still joined to the specified destBase.
  • rename If specified, this function will be responsible for returning the final dest filepath. By default, it flattens paths (if specified), changes extensions (if specified) and joins the matched path to the destBase.


This method is a convenience wrapper around the globule.find and globule.mapping methods.

globule.findMapping(patterns [, options])


Given the files foo/a.js and foo/b.js:

srcBase and destBase

// ["foo/a.js", "foo/b.js"]

globule.find("*.js", {srcBase: "foo"})
// ["a.js", "b.js"]

globule.find("*.js", {srcBase: "foo", prefixBase: true})
// ["foo/a.js", "foo/b.js"]
// [{src: "foo/a.js", dest: "foo/a.js"}, {src: "foo/b.js", dest: "foo/b.js"}]

globule.findMapping("foo/*.js", {destBase: "bar"})
// [{src: "foo/a.js", dest: "bar/foo/a.js"}, {src: "foo/b.js", dest: "bar/foo/b.js"}]

globule.findMapping("*.js", {srcBase: "foo", destBase: "bar"})
// [{src: "foo/a.js", dest: "bar/a.js"}, {src: "foo/b.js", dest: "bar/b.js"}]
globule.mapping(["foo/a.js", "foo/b.js"])
// [{src: "foo/a.js", dest: "foo/a.js"}, {src: "foo/b.js", dest: "foo/b.js"}]

globule.mapping(["foo/a.js", "foo/b.js"], {destBase: "bar"})
// [{src: "foo/a.js", dest: "bar/foo/a.js"}, {src: "foo/b.js", dest: "bar/foo/b.js"}]

globule.mapping(["a.js", "b.js"], {srcBase: "foo", destBase: "bar"})
// [{src: "foo/a.js", dest: "bar/a.js"}, {src: "foo/b.js", dest: "bar/b.js"}]


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

(Nothing yet)


Copyright (c) 2013 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
Licensed under the MIT license.