  "basic": {
    "Please configure your SDKAPPID": "Please configure your SDKAPPID/SECRETKEY.",
    "Please configure your playerDomain": "Please configure your playerDomain."
  "common": {
    "Last": "Last",
    "Next": "Next",
    "Sure": "Sure",
    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "Save": "Save",
    "Yes": "Yes"
  "device": {
    "Mic": "Mic",
    "Speaker": "Speaker",
    "Camera": "Camera",
    "Select a mic": "Select a mic",
    "Select a speaker": "Select a speaker",
    "Select a camera": "Select a camera"
  "beauty": {
    "Beauty": "Beauty",
    "Skin Brightening": "Skin Brightening",
    "Rosy Skin": "Rosy Skin"
  "tim": {
    "Failed to initialize streaming group": "Failed to initialize streaming group. Refresh and try again.",
    "Refresh and try again": "Refresh and try again.",
    "Failed to create streaming group": "Failed to create streaming group.",
    "Failed to dismiss streaming group": "Failed to dismiss streaming group.",
    "Currently forbidden to send messages": "Currently forbidden to send messages",
    "Failed to send message": "Failed to send message"
  "rtc": {
    "A user with the same name entered": "A user with the same name entered.",
    "Entered room successfully": "Entered room successfully.",
    "Failed to enter room": "Failed to enter room.",
    "Stream publishing successful": "Stream publishing successful.",
    "Failed to publish stream": "Failed to publish stream.",
    "Stream publishing stopped": "Stream publishing stopped.",
    "Failed to stop publishing stream": "Failed to stop publishing stream.",
    "Try again later": "Try again later.",
    "Failed to leave room": "Failed to leave room.",
    "Published stream to CDN successfully": "Published stream to CDN successfully.",
    "Stopped publishing stream to CDN": "Stopped publishing stream to CDN.",
    "Screen sharing failed.": "Screen sharing failed.",
    "Ensure that your browser has access to the screen": "Ensure that your browser has access to the screen."